Sherryl Hauglum 1

 The lure of NCAA TV exposure and travel subsidies left just three ranked teams sticking with the AIAW and winnowed its 1982 tournament field to 16. As a result, NBC canceled plans to air the championship game between Rutgers and fifth-ranked Texas at the Palestra in Philadelphia. A crowd of 1,789 attended, and Rutgers’ student…

1964- Bouffant Belles

1964- Bouffant Belles

 Article by Gilbert Rogin. Part of an article titled  FLAMIN’ MAMIE’S BOUFFANT BELLES is below A BEAUTY-MINDED TEXAN PIONEERS A NEW GLAMOROUS LOOK IN WOMEN’S TRACK  BY GILBERT ROGIN Early one-morning last month, when nothing was stirring in Abilene, Texas but the reels of Muzak tape in a storefront on North Fourth Street, Mrs. Margaret Ellison…


Kristen Dodds- Why student athletes are great employees

 Why a Former Student-Athlete Will Be Your Best Employee Follow Kirsten Dodds Published on November 19, 2015 Resource Development at United Way of Calgary and Area This past week I engaged in conversation with several other graduates from the University of British Columbia who were also members of the HEAT athletics program. This sample of…

Kenneth Sims

Kenneth Sims

It takes a team to build a player from scratch Kenneth Sims would be the first to admit that it takes a team to build a great player. So much so that he said, “I’m so proud of my teammates because you can’t have a Hall of Fame career without a bunch of Hall of…