1992-1997 John Mackovic- football

1992-1997 John Mackovic- football

The hiring of COACH JOHN MACKOVIC “Winds of Change” 1993   1991-1992 football (13).jpg   Tim Layden writes in a Sports Illustrated article that says “Texas coach John Mackovic, a taciturn man” spent his years at Texas “under the blade of a guillotine. “ Texas convened a committee to search for a new coach when…

1998-2003 Mack Brown- football

1998-2003 Mack Brown- football

Houston lawyer Joe Jamail describes Mack Brown as “the closest thing we’ve had to Darrell Royal since Darrell Royal.” “TILLMAN HOLLOWAY AGREES WITH JOE JAMAIL Tillman Holloway shares his story with the TLSN readers, detailing his successful recruitment to Texas under Mack Brown. A recruiting process that led Tillman Holloway and many others to Texas…

1961-1964- Just missed earning three national championships

1961-1964- Just missed earning three national championships

Jones Ramsey said, “ Darrell had charisma. A disease you can’t get rid of.” “Darrell was a sweet Bear Bryant,” However , Royal’s players never saw that side of him.   Please go to this website’s “credit” section to view books you can purchase from many fine bookstores about Texas Longhorn Sports or visit the…

1987-1991 David McWilliams

1987-1991 David McWilliams

 David McWilliams- player, assistant coach, Head Coach, and Administrator    Coach David McWilliams “the loyalist” 1987- 1991 Billy Graham says, “When you lose your wealth, you lose nothing. When you lose your health, you lose something. When you lose your character, you lose everything.” David McWilliams proves to be a man with great character.   In…


2010-2013 Mack Brown- football

2010 5-7 Pending Coach Mack Brown Fozzy Whitaker and Dustin Earnest were chosen as the first flag bearers for home games. On the road, the Horns will also carry a Texas flag, and its inaugural carrier was Eddie Jones. Mack Brown moves away from the spread offense to balance the pass-to-run ratio. The formation eliminates the quarterback from…