
Glenn Blackwood, Susan Watkins, Louis Jordan, WWI and II, Cleve Bryant

View in Browser Click on the small white “VIEW IN BROWSER” listed above to enhance cell phone text, links, and photos. Cleve Bryant helped build the Longhorn football program during Coach Mack Brown’s years as head coach, but Cleve made an error in judgment that cost him his job. Media was aware of his indiscretion…

Glenn Blackwood

Glenn Blackwood podcast is below Squarespacehttps://texas-lsn.squarespace.com/glenn-blackwood-football Glenn Blackwood’s oral history podcast, text, and photos are sponsored by Beth Coblentz.  GLENN BLACKWOOD:  BRUISING, STINGING KILLER “B” by Larry Carlson  ( lc13@txstate.edu ) Glenn Blackwood was kind of hot under the collar.  After 40 minutes on the phone with me and Chris Doelle of TLSN one recent…