
Glenn Blackwood, Susan Watkins, Louis Jordan, WWI and II, Cleve Bryant

View in Browser Click on the small white “VIEW IN BROWSER” listed above to enhance cell phone text, links, and photos. Cleve Bryant helped build the Longhorn football program during Coach Mack Brown’s years as head coach, but Cleve made an error in judgment that cost him his job. Media was aware of his indiscretion…


Dean Campbell, Barbara Jordan, Bonding, No brakes, Ben Adams, No Brakes

View in Browser IMPORTANT: Please click “VIEW IN BROWSER,” shown in the small white letters above, to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t click, the mobile phone text and pictures will be tiny and difficult to read. Top of the Queue Volume VII newsletter # 26 12/15/2023 TLSN…

Longhorn History all sports- Barbara Jordan

Longhorn History all sports- Barbara Jordan

The late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan answered the question “why do sports matter so much?” “It matters because sport is vital, it is viable, it is basic, and it is essential. Sport is not a frivolous distraction as one may first, without thinking, believe. Sport is an equal-opportunity teacher. It is a non-partisan event. It is…

1991 Shaun Jordan Sports Illustrated story- walk-on

Shaun Jordan was not offered many Division I scholarships, but Coach Reese saw something special in his swim stroke and asked him to walk-on at Texas. April 08, 1991 Hook This Longhorn Cutup Shaun Jordan hogged the stage as Texas won its fourth straight NCAA title By Merrell Noden The NCAA men’s swimming and Diving…