2023- Cleve Bryant football Coach

 2023 – Cleve Bryant

Written by Kelly Newell, First V.P. of Creative & Guest Services at the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic.

A special kind of pain is felt when your mentor’s time on earth is through. Cleve Bryant changed my life forever. He knew exactly who I was before I did.

I met Cleve during my time as a student at University of Texas (waaaay back in 2004) – where I was blessed with the opportunity to work for him at Texas Football. To anyone that had the chance to meet Cleve, even just once…his presence was known and felt. He was confident, intelligent, cocky, witty, charming, and sometimes an absolute a**hole. But he was magnetic, a man who valued strong relationships and cared so deeply for the lives of others. Specifically, young men who needed it most.

Cleve was a relationship guy. Getting to observe that from the sidelines was one of the greatest lessons ever taught. He had strong relationships with so many great friends – it’s been a pleasure and honor to see the way he has changed their lives as well. I met two of my best friends through Cleve. For whatever reason, Cleve knew that the three of us were special and he made us feel that. He believed in all our talents – all different, but all valid. He would drive us constantly to strive to be better, break boundaries, push ourselves to new heights. We saw him interact with the players this way – but that was his job. He didn’t have to invest in us, but he did. That’s who he was.

Cleve was adamant that I follow my passion and was going to do whatever it took to make it happen. So much so that the sole reason I’m at the Cotton Bowl is because of him. He made one phone call to my now boss and said “Hire her,” and they did. Why? Not because of me. It was because of him. They respected him so much that they took a chance on me. Life changed.

His passing brings a tailspin of sadness. Grieving the loss of his earthly presence but also grieving the idea that more memories won’t be made, or lessons won’t be taught. Through the blurriness of pain, what I can define is that Cleve’s lessons live on. A true mentor never dies. We’ve all been blessed with the treasures he’s left behind. His wisdom and voice will never die.

Let us remember the talented gentlemen who helped make Super Bowl LVII an historic meeting of two Black quarterbacks. There are many to thank for chipping away to this moment, for changing the complexion of quarterback rosters. Some known, some not well known.

Today our family is among those mourning the passing of the great Cleve Bryant, a quarterback, quarterback coach, head coach, and administrator who stood on the front lines. We celebrate your accomplishments and your story.

Institutional change isn’t magic and it’s not mysterious. Institutional change happens because brave individuals like Cleve Bryant take big and small steps that push organizations forward with their grit, talent, unflappable courage, and conviction that what’s right is right.

Sometimes these actions are behind the scenes, away from the lights, in obscurity, where change is often the hardest to achieve.

Rest in peace, Coach Bryant. We won’t forget your name.
#quarterback #sports #equity


Bryant and Coach Brown

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