A great healer of Longhorn athletes, Dr, Joe Reneau, has passed away
View in Browser HORNS UP! DKR SAYS “IF I HAD 11 MEN LIKE PERRY McWILLIAMS, I’D NEVER LOSE A GAME.” Perry McWilliams has passed away Royal recruited players from the inside-out based on heart, attitude, and spirit. Royal understood early in his coaching career that players who believe they are bigger and faster than they…
View in Browser Volume VI Newsletter #24- 10/17/2021 Click on “view in browser” at the top of page if images do not appear. Texas Football 1976-1977-1978 T- Ring Reflections – Rick Fenlaw, Joey Aboussie, and Garland Kennon – Hey Billy, I hope this finds you and your family well! My husband Rick Fenlaw and I…
View in Browser Volume VI Newsletter #5 2/28/2021 Many of you have asked for a larger font size to view TLSN content on your cell phone. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard said in the Star Trek Series………. It is now easier to read content on your phone, but your scrolling finger or thumb may need to…
View in Browser Top of the Que 04/01/2020 Volume V Newsletter #9 Terry Tausch has passed away. Capture the link below for present and future updates. https://texas-lsn.squarespace.com/terrytausch Terry Tausch THE NETWORK All American Loyd Wainscott passed away in December of 2010. His wife, Barbara Wainscott, shares a story on the TLSN website discussing all the…
View in Browser Top of the Que- Volume VII Newsletter #16 -July 21, 2023 Texas Legacy Support Network TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletic Department, or any organization closely aligned with UT. Important: Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your…
Deryl Comer recently passed away on October 6, 2022. Deryl recently passed away, and like the passing of Steve Worster in September 2022, sorrow overwhelmed me. Deryl Comer’s hands were like football magnets. Soft lobs and Heat-seeking passes searched for his hands. Deryl could convert a complicated route, bad pass, and challenging catch into a…