Big 12 championship videos
Derrick Johnson In his book “The Road to Texas”, Mike Roach tells the story of Derrick Johnson in great detail. Longhorn great Rod Babers says of Derrick “there are a lot of guys I’ve seen in person that are freaks, but he might bein my top 10. He was a mutant. When we saw him…
Ed Olle led a “charmed life”. ED OLLE was a Longhorn player and administrator from 1925-1962 . Before rings, the major symbol of Longhorn sports accomplishments was charms. Ed Olle’s granddaughter Katherine was kind enough to share images of many of the charms Ed received as an athlete and UT administrator. In two years, Olle…
College Football Hall of Fame by induction date For the Derrick slide show, click on greater and lesser arrows to move forward and backward to see images. 2023 College football hall of fame Derrick Johnson.jpg Derrick Johnson.jpg Butkus award- linebacker of the year- Derrick Johnson 2004.jpg Nagurski trophy Derrick Johnson 2004 and Brian Orakpo 2008-.jpg…
A walk-on from Wharton, Texas, Harrison Stafford went on to become perhaps the toughest football player in UT history. The Assistant coach, Shorty Alderson, reported to head coach Clyde Littlefield, “Clyde, I found you the darndest football player you ever saw. He tore up a couple of dummies and hurt a couple of men. He…
Duke’s book can be purchased on line at the University of Texas Coop. Chris Doelle recently interviewed Duke Carlisle about his book and his pending bronze bust that will be enshrined in the South End zone of DKR Memorial stadium. Duke Carlisle was the 1963 national champion quarterback for Coach Royal. His book is an…
There is a new site on the Longhorn TLSN website titled “Reflection Point” that offers fans an opportunity to share special moments, memories, or photos with other Longhorns. Fans are the lifeblood of any sport, and the Longhorn fan’s passionate feedback over the last 120 plus years has played an essential role in defining Longhorn…