1/17/2024 Bill Atessis, Mascots, Retha Swindell, Rodney Page, Marlene Frazier
View in Browser Basketball Great Lance Blanks has passed Away Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. Lance’s story on the TLSN website is a work in process. More information will be added over the next 4 days. Here is the…
View in Browser Top of the Que Volume V Newsletter #22 The TLSN website and newsletter are free, educational, historical, and insightful, sharing Longhorn sports history through the eyes of those who created it. A statistical Bio of each of these super Longhorn baseball players is now part of the TLSN history of Longhorn Sports…
View in Browser 4-12-2024 TLSN Newsletter #8 Volume VIII IMPORTANT: Please click on the black letters shown above, titled “VIEW IN BROWSER,” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text and pictures will be small and difficult to read. Spanky Stephens notified TLSN that 1969 National Football…
The link to Ron’s podcast is in the red font. https://traffic.libsyn.com/forcedn/cdogg/TLSNS04E07.mp3 WHO’S THE FAT KID, ABE? by Larry Carlson https://texaslsn.org I was pretty damn fired up when I found out that I was gonna get to interview Ron Baxter for a TLSN podcast last month, thanks to the site’s contacts with John Carsey, one of Baxter’s old…
View in Browser January 3, 2021 –Top of the Que Volume VI Newsletter #1 . Hi Longhorn Nation, As communicated on last week; Coach Akers’ Celebration of Life will be held on Tuesday, January 12th at 11 am. For those players/coaches that wish to make a short video expressing wonderful memories of Coach Akers; you…
View in Browser Thanking all for donations received to help former Longhorn student-athletes in need is more than good manners; it is good spirituality. Click on the small white “VIEW IN BROWSER” letters above for best-quality text and photos. Larry says: I was returning home from a story one night driving northbound on I-35 when…