Tommy Nobis

Tommy Nobis

“My biggest memories are the true excitement of the game day in Memorial Stadium- to stand out in the stadium at the start of a game, with the people standing up and singing “The Eyes of Texas.” I will remember those afternoons forever. It was a big motivator, and the whole scene kind of put…

The good, bad, and ugly of overachieving

The good, bad, and ugly of overachieving

Overachieving – the good, bad, and ugly Madonna says : Overachievers strive for perfection, which can be a desirable quality in sports but may not always lead to success for students and employees. According to the dictionary, an overachiever is someone who achieves superior results through excessive effort. Coach Rick Pitino defines an overachiever in…

The Road to Bevo -Folklore and Fables
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The Road to Bevo -Folklore and Fables

Author Emma Schkloven in the title to an article she wrote in October 2022 for the Austin Monthly captures the history of Bevo in 32 words. Bevo’s Long Ride to the Mascot Mountaintop UT’s beloved icon may be living large now, but he’s faced kidnappings, hazings, and even the dinner plate before rising to big…


1977 Texas A & M

1971- Texas wins 34-14 By 1971, the Longhorn fans showed no interest in building a bonfire, while the Aggies continued to use engineering techniques and a passion that could light the fire to beat the Horns, but they continued to lose. Texas figured out they could win without a spirit fire. 1971 was Texa’s fourth…


Football Bellard and the Wishbone

Before the Wishbone offense took center stage, the opposing defense’s job was to react and neutralize the offensive play. Emory Bellard changed the defensive strategy with the option offense by devising the first successful offensive college running scheme dictated by defensive decisions. Neither offensive nor defensive players knew who would get the ball when the…

Men’s -Tom Penders 1988-1998 basketball

Men’s -Tom Penders 1988-1998 basketball

TOM PENDERS 1988-1998 TOM PENDERS “MR. MARCH” INSTITUTES A SUCCESSFUL Longhorn bASKETBALL “bOMBS AWAY rUNNING hORNS PRO STYLE OFFENSE” THAT REWRITES THE lONGHORN RECORD BOOK. Coach Penders Coach Jody Conradt Was The Media Favorite For The Men’s Basketball Coaching Job After Weltlich Was Released When Asked By A Sport Writer If She Was Interested In…


Texas Tech 2008

PROLOGUE TO Lubbock 2008, Ten Years After Sept. 20, 2021 by Larry Carlson Dateline: Lubbock, November 10, 2018 Many of us began the elevator shuttle from the press box down to the floor of Jones AT&T Stadium, with about six to seven minutes on the clock. Texas had entered the fourth quarter with a lead…