Silver Spurs and Bevo

Silver Spurs and Bevo

 In 1937 the Silver Spurs were formed to take care of the Texas mascot. The organization did not have much to do for over a decade, as the team mascot was never defined. Currently, the Silver Spurs are very busy taking care of Bevo, who travels better than most students in a custom trailer driven…

The “Knothole Section”

The Longhorn Knothole Club 3000 strong  The Longhorns never sold out a game during the pre and post-depression years. So UT allocated 3000 free seats to school-age fans and some high school bands. UT delivered Knothole Club memberships cards to some public schools. The kids got so rowdy during the game that UT and to…

Clark Field

Clark Field

There have been three athletic facilities on the campus named for the university’s influential early leader James Benjamin Clark. Clark Field #1 The first Clark FIELD OPERATED from 1887 through 1927 at the southeast corner of 24th Street and Speedway. In 1898 this location had no name. After the landowners threatened to evict “Varsity” from…

Doc Henry – 1875-1915 – support

Doc Henry – 1875-1915 – support

DOC HENRY “Gunga Din” Henry Reeves attends to injured Longhorns. Long before the University of Texas at Austin hired Charlie Strong, even long before the first African-American athlete was admitted to the University of Texas at Austin, the university had Henry Reeves. From 1875 to 1915, Reeves was trainer, doctor and manager — generally the…