In 2021 UT’s Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium was recognized by the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security as a facility of merit for demonstrating an innovative approach to safety and security.
In 2021 UT’s Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium was recognized by the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security as a facility of merit for demonstrating an innovative approach to safety and security.
Click on the Text denoted in red font on the side bar to visit other sites in this grid Wearers of the “T” 1900 Men’s Tennis Players wearing their letter sweaters Women earn the right to letter In the early 1900’s Wearers of the T 1928 letter sweater The full articles about Texas…
Jan Todd’s night with Johnny Carson Terry Todd’s Documentary How Two Powerlifters Founded One of UT’s Most Unique Places Jan Todd has a Doctor of Philosophy PH.D. American/U.S. studies/civilization for U.T. and she is a professor and Director of the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center of the University of Texas at Austin. Her husband, Terry…
In the Beginning The Evolution of Strength Training For the Texas Longhorns Strength training is not a modern invention. Egyptian tombs show pictures of lifting bags filled with sand and stone swinging and throwing exercises. These types of things were also popular in early Germany, Scotland, and Spain. Weightlifting competitions date back to the early…
Theo Bellmont – 1913-1929 The Stark Foundation’s board agreed to provide a $3,5000,000 gift to recognize and honor Stark for his service to UT by constructing the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center right next to a building named after one of his best friends – Bellmont Hall. One of Bellmont’s first hires was a freshman—Roy J….
Roy McClean, Lutcher Stark, and Theo Bellmont were convinced that weightlifting could enhance an athletes’ skills. 1919 – 1967 ROY MCCLEAN SLOWLY AND METHODICALLY PROVES THAT ATHLETES WHO LIFT WEIGHTS ADD STRENGTH, QUICKNESS, AND SPEED. Roy J. McLean, born in Austin in 1897, grew up on the edge of the campus and was a “mascot”…
April 19, 1999 – Faculty states that athletic programs should be integrated into the University governance structure and not perceived as an independent function of the University. It was decided that all academic matters related to student athletes should be implemented in accordance with academic policies. Recommendations were made. The Faculty members voted 14-13 to…
1950’s by Jim Nicar When it’s time for kick-off, how do you show your team colors? Football fashions have been around as long as, well, football itself. In the 1880s and 1890s, fans going to a game pinned colored ribbons to their lapels to show which team they supported, though the guys often sported longer…
Dr. Don Thomas says, “my high school class consisted of about 15 people. I was not an outstanding student, even in this small group. I entered the University of Texas in Austin in 1937. In my first semester, I made only B grades, but as time went on and the courses became more difficult and…
History of Longhorn Coaches 1893-2017 Below is a chronological listing of all coaches from all sports since the “beginning” of Longhorn sports thru 2016. Each sport is color coded. This was a tedious process to complete, and I want to thank Rick Brimer a TRUE LONGHORN FAN for helping me complete this project. 1893…