Don McLeese said “It shouldn’t have ended this way!
Sports Writer Don McLeese said, “It shouldn’t have ended this way”.
Coach Disch 1940 Disch 30th anniversary Coach Disch Disch as a Longhorn trainer Coach Falk as a baseball player 1960 Bibb Falk Transitioning from Falk to Gustafson Coach Gus Coach Gus Augie Augie autograph baseball Garrido bust of Augie Augie happy with win Augie not so happy after loss SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2022…
There have been three athletic facilities on the campus named for the university’s influential early leader James Benjamin Clark. James Clark Clark Field #1 The first Clark Field, operated from 1887 through 1927 at the southeast corner of 24th Street and Speedway configured for a baseball game. The stands were built in sections and movable so…
THE MAGICAL 2009 TEAM – RUNNER UP IN THE CWS BUT A CHAMPION IN THE HEARTS OF FANS WITH A 50-16-1 RECORD Started the season with 11 wins. The Horns won their 4th consecutive Big 12 Championship. Texas was the top seed in the NCAA tournament losing to LSU in the finals. AUSTIN WOOD…
2006-2007- 46-17 Twenty returning lettermen filled the roster. Randy Boone moves from a starting pitcher to a closer. Kyle Russel is an All-American and GOLDEN SPIKES AWARD FINALISTS in 2007 and holds the career Texas record for home runs (57) and the season (28) 2007 -2008- 39-22 NCAA limits full baseball scholarships on a team…
>“Click on the text denoted in red font on the side bar to visit other sites in this grid” The science of the fastball is in the link below. In the book Loving Sports, the authors say that baseball is an allegory for life. You only have to bat .300 to be considered successful….
Scott Soden played outfielder for the Longhorns from 1979 to 1979. He was known for his impressive performance on the field and held the record for the longest home run hit at Texas at one point. After his college career, he was hired as the head coach at San Antonio East Central. He was a…