Coach Gus has had a heart-attack
View in Browser 1969 National Championship Reunion Celebration – Save the Date Request Website Many of the members of the 1969 National Championship team have emailed me recently stating they have not heard anything about the pending celebration . Yesterday I made contact with Ricky Brown about this subject and here is his response….
View in Browser Top of the Que Volume VII Newsletter #18 8/05/2022 Click on “View in Browser” highlighted above in black lettering if the newsletter is not to scale, the font is too small, or no images are present. August 5th, 2022 TLSN newsletter topics – Mark Halfmann, John Haines Interview, Doug Shankle’s memories of…
Some thoughts for a Steve McMichael fan. My goodbye letter to legend and Hall of Famer Steve McMichael. As he transfers to the afterlife in heaven.  he is still alive, but not doing well.  “Dearest Mr. Steve Mongo McMichael, Please allow me the honor of introducing myself so that I can establish the…
View in Browser Tennis Head Coach Dave Snyder has passed away Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. Longhorn basketball star John Danks and Longhorn tennis historian and tennis player Jim Bayless notified TLSN that tennis coach Dave Snyder passed away….
View in Browser TLSN Volume VI Newsletter #14 -May 31, 2021 Memorial Day honors those who died at war forever young. “In Flanders Fields The Poppies Blow, Between The Crosses Row On Row, That Mark Our Place; And In The Sky, The Larks, Still Bravely Singing, Fly Scarce Heard Amid The Guns Below. We Are…
TLSN is not affiliated with the UT Athletic Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.11/27/2024 TLSN volume VIII Newsletter # 26 **IMPORTANT NOTICE**: The TLSN data migration to WordPress is still in process but active at Try It! The site has many new features and much more flexibility for delivering photos, articles, podcasts,…