Ma Griffith
Coach Chevigny was an innovator and proactive thinker, if not a good coach. He bought a field cover to protect the grass on the football field and started filming games for study purposes.
1935-1938 Under Chevigny, Texas had its first ‘training table” and athletic dorm with a “dorm mother” by the name of “Ma Griffith””
Ma Griff, Bill McDonald, Richard Ochoa, Jack Barton
When Frank Medina told Ma Griffin to cut back on the amount of food at dinner, some of the players complained to Coach Price they were starving to death.
Price consulted the health Center and gave the boys the good news that it takes a guy 32 days to starve to death, so not to worry.
Tom Stolhandske talks about Ma Griffith
Tom Stolhandske said Ms. Griffith required prayers before each meal. In the early mid-50, “she walked around, and if she saw anybody acting up,…., she’d scoot behind them, grab them by the hair, pull their head back, and give them a real lecture.”
In 1962 she was present but mostly a figurehead. The dining room was being run by Ma’s daughter and son-in-law, Jim Blaylock. Jim was the equipment manager in the athletic department.
Jim Wilson said said “Ma’s “attacks” with her cane always drew approval from the athletes. Her dining table was outside the door to her apartment. Coaches and other athletic personnel ate with her. Upper-class football players occupied the table next to hers, so there was a lot of uproars when she “disciplined” one of those fellows. Frequently it might be the closest guy, not the one deserving it. “