Hall of Fans
HOOK’EM HORNS – fans remember
I was in Austin for meetings and stayed at the Omni. This was in 2000. The team was staying at the Omni on Friday night before the game with Houston. The week before they had lost to Stanford mainly because of special teams play. I visited with Simms, Applewhite, Williams and some others and we talked about the Stanford game. They were embarrassed at their play. The next morning I was checking out and moving to another hotel. They all saw me with my load of bags and equipment and they help me to my car and loaded it all up for me and guaranteed a win. Made me proud of the team.
Here’s a pic from our 2016 hunt. Me with 4 of the 5 wounded soldiers on our hunt. There are 2 snipers in this photo, 2 amputees, 2 guys who were hurt pretty seriously by exploding ordinance. Look at those smiles. And I’m having more fun than any of them. Oh yeah, I’m the white headed guy!!
Some of these pictures are politically incorrect so enjoy these with a sense of humor and not as a political or literal interpretation.
Fans 1982
1908 photo of Future Longhorn football Captain Duncan – Image is from the “Cactus”
Don Travis- 1958 shares MEMORABILIA
I attended an athletic scholarship banquet at Tarleton State College. Bobby Dillon was one of the 9 All-Americans present at the banquet. Each graciously autographed my card. Great evening meeting these stars from UT, Texas A&M, TCU and Baylor.

Rick Brimer’s football helmet collection