Health Update on Coach Leon Black
View in Browser Top of the Que 03/08/2020 Volume V Newsletter #7. The history of Longhorn volleyball is at “There is nothing so momentary as a sporting achievement, and nothing so lasting as the memory of it.” Greg Dening Beth Coblentz has joined the TLSN Board of Directors. It was during Mickey Haley’s tenure…
View in Browser Volume VIII Newsletter #6 03/03/2023 For those of you who may not already know, Ken Ehrig is in the last stages of Alzheimer’s and is now in a residential nursing home. He is no longer able to walk or speak well. His wife, Nancy, reached out to the T-Association to express her…
View in Browser Jeff Ontiveros has unexpectantly passed away Click on “View in Browser” highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale, font is too small, or no images are present. Horns ???? up to this Longhorn Brand Builder! His celebration of life is at TLSN is not associated with…
View in Browser Red McCombs has passed Away Click on “View in Browser” highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale, font is too small, or no images are present. Save the link attached to receive updated information as it is added. Red’s celebration of life will include his obit when…
View in Browser The DKR Research Fund To format the TLSN newsletter for cell phones, it is necessary to Click on the white lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of this page. Not doing so reduces the quality of photos and the text font. The following letter, denoted in burnt orange, is informational only,…
View in Browser Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. In the last ten days, the Longhorn Nation has mourned the loss of two key figures in building the Longhorn brand. Jim Leahy and Bruce Cannon The celebration links to both…