LeDuc, Lucas, Pat Weis, Jimmy Clayton, David Kristynik, and Ploetz,
Update on Former Basket Ball Coach Leon Black from his son Chuck Black Billy, Dad has been in the hospital struggling with health issues mainly related to kidney and heart function for the last 10 days. He is still in the hospital, but we hope he improves enough to come home soon. He needs a…
Welcome to the Texas Longhorn sports historical website. The site converts UT history, UT traditions, UT legacies, UT culture, individual records, photos, insightful comments, and personal commentary from former athletes, trainers, managers, coaches, and their families into a form that all Longhorns can celebrate. Top of the Que 04/25/2019 Volume IV Newsletter #10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDelano Womack…
View in Browser Red McCombs has passed Away Click on “View in Browser” highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale, font is too small, or no images are present. Save the link attached to receive updated information as it is added. Red’s celebration of life will include his obit when…
Volume V Newsletter #19 Garrett Graff There is a whole section that honors Longhorn walk-ons chronicled on the TLSN website. Garret Graf’s story is one of them. Mickey Moss is a successful coach and administrator who received a master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin in athletic administration with an emphasis in exercise…
View in Browser I am forwarding this email from Dena Reneau with her permission to the members of the 1960 football teams. Please forward to anyone you choose. Dena says he lights up when Longhorn football is the topic of conversation. Update on Doctor Reneau from his wife Billy, I so enjoy your articles and…
View in Browser March 24, 2022 –Top of the Que Volume VII Newsletter #7 Click on “view in browser” at the top of the page if images do not appear, the images appear distorted, or the links are not visible. Professor Carlson’s most recent article shares the story of Longhorn punters and beyond. How important…