Longhorn football locker rooms since 1915
The Three Athletic Dorms in the history of Longhorn sports may be in trouble with NIL money available for athletes to move to more posh accommodations. Moore-Hill Hall Hill Hall is named for Dr. Homer Barksdale Hill of Austin who volunteered to treat UT athletes from 1893 until his death on July 18, 1923. Beginning…
Click on the Text denoted in red font on the side bar to visit other sites in this grid U. T. building in 1898’s John Dealy Hospital College Building St. Mary’s Infirmary The Campus UTNews The University of Texas at Austin My All American Campus — UT in 1969 By Chad Schneider | Oct. 15,…
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The 1959 Longhorn band memorializes the Santa Rita UT owns 2,108,966 acres of Texas land. In the mid-1800s, the legislator thought it was worthless and God-forsaken West TX brush country, and at the time, it was. The New York investors who staked corral Cromwell to drill on it were so skeptical they named the project…
Bohls: Texas To Honor Four National Championship Teams With Quarterback Busts Kirk BohlsHookem Kirk Bohls 0:00 0:59 AD Texas to celebrate Duke Carlisle, the late James Street, Eddie Phillips and Vince Young. All four quarterbacks were Texas-bred players who had spectacular signature plays in their careers. Montana sculptor Ken Bjorge also created the Earl Campbell…