Edna Campbell, Kennon, Fenlaw, Aboussie, 1976- 1978, McCombs, Medina

Edna Campbell, Kennon, Fenlaw, Aboussie, 1976- 1978, McCombs, Medina

View in Browser Volume VI Newsletter #24- 10/17/2021 Click on “view in browser” at the top of page if images do not appear. Texas Football 1976-1977-1978 T- Ring Reflections – Rick Fenlaw, Joey Aboussie, and Garland Kennon – Hey Billy, I hope this finds you and your family well! My husband Rick Fenlaw and I…

Jody Conradt 1976-2007- women’s basketball

Jody Conradt 1976-2007- women’s basketball

Below is the oral history podcast featuring Jody Conradt, the former Head coach of the Longhorn women’s basketball team. The Texas Legacy Sports Network (TLSN) aims to document the history of Horn sports through the “Eyes Of Texas” as told by those who have built the Longhorn brand. Coach Conradt’s influence extended far beyond basketball….


1971-1976 DKR- football

Frank Broyles, the Arkansas coach, says, “The Texas game, for everybody in the conference, is as much psychological as it is scheme and strategy.” “You can define scheme and strategy, but you can’t accurately script morale and attitude in that game.” Arkansas Coach Jack Crowe says the Razorbacks seem to change their personality” for the…

1957-1976 Longhorn Women’s Sports-The Struggle for equality

1957-1976 Longhorn Women’s Sports-The Struggle for equality

FOR INFORMATION ON WOMEN’S BASKETBALL BEFORE 1957, PLEASE VISIT the following three links: https://www.texaslsn.org/19211957-anna-hiss, or https://www.texaslsn.org/1896-1921 , or https://www.texaslsn.org/the-importance-of-the-1940s-for-womens-sports Table of Contents 1957- Anna Hiss retires as the women’s director – Women’s sports history 1957-1961 1962-1974 BETTY THOMPSON transitions women’s sports from Hiss to Lopiano. BETTY THOMPSON “NOR HELL A FURY LIKE A WOMAN  SCORNED”…