Update on Coach Leon Black, Bio on Coach Bibb Falk, and softball history

Update on Coach Leon Black, Bio on Coach Bibb Falk, and softball history

Top of the Que Volume V Newsletter #12 History, Heritage, and Traditions have built the Longhorn Brand Health Watch Coach Leon Black has been added to the Longhorn health watch. There are two links. Please save the first link for updates on Coach Black . https://texas-lsn.squarespace.com/coach-leon-black-1 https://texas-lsn.squarespace.com/coach-leon-black SIGN OF THE TIMES Coach Gus April 2020…

Update Coach Black, Football 1992-1997, Hook’em, Tennis Jeff Moore, Rowing`

Update Coach Black, Football 1992-1997, Hook’em, Tennis Jeff Moore, Rowing`

Top of the Que Volume V Newsletter #13 TLSN is an independent organization celebrating Longhorn Sports History . TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletic Department or any organization closely aligned with UT. The website and newsletter are free, insightful, historical, and educational. HOOK’EM ORIGIN 1955 is the Beginning of Big Bertha and the…

Hall of Honor 2016 – 2023

Hall of Honor 2016 – 2023

2016-2023 Hall of Honor 2023 Hall of Honor Means, Jonathan Scott, Cosby, Shurr, Freeman, Doonan, Spieth, Kirchner, Barr, Denny and Carey 2022 Hall of Honor Acho, Bedford (swimming) Dotson (basketball), Stackle (swimming), Durant, Majewski (baseball), Gardner (softball), Golden (golf), – bottom row- Matta (tennis), Robyne Johnson (track) , Levine (Tennis) 2021 Hall of Honor J.P….


2020 Newsletters

Below is the list of newsletter topics for 2020. Black font is the subject matter, and red font is the link to the subject.  #1 Anatomy of a Longhorn Fan, passing of Bill Sansin, Throwing coke bottles, Duke Carlisle, Wesley Allen http://texaslsn.org/two-subjects-the-history-of-longhorn-fan-and-remembering-bill-sansing/ #2 Football – 1992-1997, Tennis under Jeff Moore, and Rowing http://texaslsn.org/update-coach-black-football-1992-1997-hookem-tennis-jeff-moore-rowing/ #3 Update…