Bill Hinkle, Jason/Chrisla , Enigma ‘42, Small Town Texas, Nancy Hager,

Bill Hinkle, Jason/Chrisla , Enigma ‘42, Small Town Texas, Nancy Hager,

View in Browser Volume VI Newsletter #5 2/28/2021 Many of you have asked for a larger font size to view TLSN content on your cell phone. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard said in the Star Trek Series………. It is now easier to read content on your phone, but your scrolling finger or thumb may need to…

Jason and Chrisla Reeves

Jason and Chrisla Reeves

TLSN (Texas Legacy Support Network) supports all former Longhorn student-athletes, trainers, managers, coaches, and their immediate families. TLSN reprints noteworthy information only and does not serve as the obituary announcement for Jason and Chrisla Reeves. TLSN information is derived from the public domain sites’, tributes, and condolences to the family. In this mourning spirit, the…