Brown, Benson, Redding, Touchdown club, education, and the turd bowl

Brown, Benson, Redding, Touchdown club, education, and the turd bowl

View in Browser Top of the Queue – Volume VIII Newsletter #10 -May 10, 2024 Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of the page to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. TLSN is a 501 (c)(3) Longhorn Sports history educational website with a compassionate component….


Charlie Wilcox, Kamrath’s , McMichael, track, Bradley and Mitchell, LHN.

View in Browser TLSN is not affiliated with the UT Athletic Department or any organization closely aligned with UT. 5/24/2024 TLSN volume VIII Newsletter # 11 IMPORTANT: Please click on the white letters shown above titled “VIEW IN BROWSER” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text…

Mike Cotten, high school Horns, brand builders- track, softball, and golf

Mike Cotten, high school Horns, brand builders- track, softball, and golf

View in Browser 6/7/2024 TLSN Newsletter #12 Volume VIII IMPORTANT: Please click on the black letters shown above, titled “VIEW IN BROWSER,” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text and pictures will be small and difficult to read. Hello Billy, Herb Griffith here. I am sad…

Mike Brumley’s passing, Zapalacs, Griffin, Kelly , Cox, Jones , two sports

Mike Brumley’s passing, Zapalacs, Griffin, Kelly , Cox, Jones , two sports

View in Browser 6-21-2024 TLSN Newsletter #13 Volume VIII IMPORTANT: Please click on the white letters shown above, titled “VIEW IN BROWSER,” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text and pictures will be small and difficult to read. A note from the Webmaster The TLSN website…


Betsy Mitchell, Beth Coblentz, Tom Landry, Coach Barnes, Jim McIngvale,

View in Browser TLSN is not affiliated with the UT Athletic Department or any organization closely aligned with UT. 7/05/2024 TLSN volume VIII Newsletter # 14 IMPORTANT: Please click on the black letters shown above titled “VIEW IN BROWSER” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text…


1983 Women’s Tennis, Wigginton,Culpepper, Giles, Conrad Derdeyn

View in Browser Volume VIII Newsletter #3 01/20/2023 Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” shown above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. Mark Banton contacted TLSN and said “Pat Culpepper’s house burned this morning” (1/09/2023). “They are OK, but that 100 yr old house is a loss…


Sherryl Hauglum

View in Browser Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” shown above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. Former Longhorn football player Todd Smith informed TLSN that Longhorn Hall of Honor inductee and All-American shot putter Eileen Vanisi is fighting for her life. Here is her Sentry link…