Sam Kendricks diving

 BY ANYA PELSHAW 49 July 06th, 2022 the red fonts listed below are link to Sam Kendricks story. Share Longtime Swimming Announcer Sam Kendricks Dies After Battling Cancer on Facebook Submit Longtime Swimming Announcer Sam Kendricks Dies After Battling Cancer to Reddit Share Longtime Swimming Announcer Sam Kendricks Dies After Battling Cancer on Pinterest Share…

Chris Samuels

Over the last seven years, chronicling the history of Longhorn sports has been a passionate part of the TLSN mission. That passion has not waned. On the contrary, it is stronger now than in 2014. That said, Longhorn sports history is not the primary mission of TLSN. Instead, TLSN Board members’ – Jim Kay, Benny…

2012 Mike Korth

Michael Todd Korth, 49, passed away Wednesday, August 15, 2012 in St. David’s Hospital in Austin after a 14 years battle with cancer. He grew up in Rockdale and was a 1981 graduate of Rockdale High School. He graduated from Blinn Junior College and attended the University of Texas on a track management scholarship. Mike…