The Mentor and his Pupil – Coach Emory Bellard and Dr. Octavious Bishop

The Mentor and his Pupil – Coach Emory Bellard and Dr. Octavious Bishop

TLSN oral history is sponsored by MBFC contact John Carsey at Octavius Bishops Longhorn’s oral history podcast is first up. Click on the link below. The many faces of Octavious Bishop. The Mentor and his Pupil There would probably not be a Dr. Octavious Bishop without Coach/mentor Emory Bellard. Coach Bellard is a two-time…

Calvin Murray – 1990-1992

Calvin Murray – 1990-1992

Calvin’s oral history is at the link Note: to the left, in red font, are all the podcast sections. Calvin Murray’s oral History segment on TLSN is sponsored by Pat Frost @ Frost National Bank. More sponsors are needed to continue capturing the stories of those who created Longhorn sports history. As of this…