Self portrait of CTE, Golf Coach Penick, Stewart Keller

Self portrait of CTE, Golf Coach Penick, Stewart Keller

View in Browser Top of the Que 09/19/2019 VOLUME IV NEWSLETTER #23 Welcome to the Texas Longhorn sports historical newsletter and website. UT Sports history, UT traditions, UT legacies, UT culture, individual records, photos, insightful comments, and personal commentary from those who made Horn history into a form that all Longhorns can celebrate. Click on…

The early years of  Longhorn tennis 1899-1957

The early years of Longhorn tennis 1899-1957

Game, Set, and Match by Jim Bayless    Daniel A. Penick, Ph.D.—“The Doctor” 1925 Cactus The Legacy of Dr. Daniel A. Penick*   Doctor Penick and Wilmer Allison Lewis White* – Won UT’s first two national intercollegiate doubles titles (with Louis Thalheimer), 1923 and 1924; SWC singles and doubles champion in 1922 and 1924; selected…

Jim Bayless – Game, Set, Match Coach Penick and Allison

The text and visuals of Jim’s years as a Longhorn tennis player are divided into two parts. Part I discusses the importance of Coach Penick and Coach Allison in building the Longhorn men’s tennis program. Part II’s link is listed at the end of this article and celebrates Coach Snyder’s influence on the Longhorn tennis…

1900’s thru 1963 “Tom and Harvey Penick Era for golf

1900’s thru 1963 “Tom and Harvey Penick Era for golf

Unlike Texas Basketball, Football, Track And Baseball There Are Very Few Books Or Research Material That Discuss Longhorn golf.  I Hope With Time This Site Can Add Some Historical Insight And Tell The Full And Compelling Story Of The Texas golf Tradition.       Looking through the window of future dreams to be a member…