The Texas Flag
Bohls: Texas To Honor Four National Championship Teams With Quarterback Busts Kirk BohlsHookem Kirk Bohls 0:00 0:59 AD Texas to celebrate Duke Carlisle, the late James Street, Eddie Phillips and Vince Young. All four quarterbacks were Texas-bred players who had spectacular signature plays in their careers. Montana sculptor Ken Bjorge also created the Earl Campbell…
The Longhorn Teapot Saga The Origin of Tea-sips as told by Ray Gonzales The term “tea sip” came from our university cafeteria, a wooden structure, unfortunately, named the “tea house” that was located near the Simkins dorm. I even ate there. The aggies saw it and made fun of the name. That’s where…
There have been three athletic facilities on the campus named for the university’s influential early leader James Benjamin Clark. Clark Field #1 The first Clark FIELD OPERATED from 1887 through 1927 at the southeast corner of 24th Street and Speedway. In 1898 this location had no name. After the landowners threatened to evict “Varsity” from…
Click on the Text denoted in red font on the side bar to visit other sites in this grid Wearers of the “T” 1900 Men’s Tennis Players wearing their letter sweaters Women earn the right to letter In the early 1900’s Wearers of the T 1928 letter sweater The full articles about Texas…
Unlike the highly organized 1882 ceremony, the 1934 event was very informal. There were no planned speeches, though among the spectators was 64-year old Arthur Stiles, the only person present to have seen the cornerstone set in place. He recounted the colorful parade that braved a true Texas Norther and the “rotund bearded figures” who…