Brand Building, Swimming, Track stars, Mauldin’s, Snyder, and Harmon
View in Browser Some substantial additions to Perry McWilliams celebration of life have been added to the Top of the Que at Photo is Coach and Diane Akers . An invitation from the Akers family to all Akers era players, Coaches, and Akers Angels plus one additional person per invitee is listed below. The…
View in Browser TLSN Volume VI Newsletter #14 -May 31, 2021 Memorial Day honors those who died at war forever young. “In Flanders Fields The Poppies Blow, Between The Crosses Row On Row, That Mark Our Place; And In The Sky, The Larks, Still Bravely Singing, Fly Scarce Heard Amid The Guns Below. We Are…
View in Browser To TLSN from Tommy Harmon -” Chuck Hartenstein, former baseball player and coach plus MLB pitcher and coach passed away last evening.” Click on “View in Browser highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale or no images are present. Chuck Hartenstein- Longhorn baseball brand builder . After…
View in Browser T-Ring Reflections – Spanky Stephens chapter in the history of Longhorn sports is significant. He is one of the bridge builders of Longhorn heritage shaping the present and inspiring the future. Photo- Spanky’s induction into the S.A.T.A Hall of Fame. L to R- Mackovic, Akers, Stephens, Royal, and McWilliams In 2016, two…
View in Browser There is a temporary link in the Navigation tool at the top of the screen at that pays tribute to Longhorns lost in 2018-2019. I know I have missed some who have passed away, so please email me their names at so the Longhorn Nation can honor and remember those who have…
(This piece originally appeared in American Way magazine and is here reprinted with permission of the author.) (Author Carlton Stowers, like Smith, ran lead-off leg on the Longhorns’ 440-yard relay in the early ’60s. Thereafter, the comparison abruptly ends.) WORLD’S FASTEST COWBOY by Carlton Stowers…