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Updates on Coach Gus’s celebration of life as of 1/05/2023 with obit information are at the link COACH CLIFF GUSTAFSON (
TLSN’s mission was formed 7 years ago by Benny Pace, Jim Kay, and Billy Dale. TLSN is a 501 (c) (3) composed of educational and charitable components. The website and newsletter are free serving to build bridges linking past, present, and future Longhorns.
TLSN chronicles the never-ending saga of Longhorn sports history, combining traditions, legacies, culture, documents, individual records, and photos into a form that all Longhorns can celebrate.
The research archives at The Stark Center, Briscoe Center, and offer the historical panoramic view of our great University. All three institutions house thousands of documents and 10’s of thousands of photos that chronicle the history of all Longhorn sports. TLSN has used these research sources and more to fulfill the TLSN mission. TLSN’s research credits are at the following link.
But it takes more than archival documents and photos to create a three-dimensional montage of Longhorn sports history. The soul of Longhorn sports is best told by those who created the Longhorn brand. TLSN has reached out to brand builders asking them to tell their stories in either an “oral history” or interview format. This has been a very rewarding experience.
Building the Longhorn Brand
If national brand building were easy, more universities would pass the consumer brand recall test, but that is not the case. Ask 20 individuals not from Oklahoma to recall the name of ten universities; Texas would be mentioned. All Universities dream of reaching the top 10 consumers “brand recall” level, but 99% will not.
Building a national brand requires decades of superior performance, a supportive University, passionate fans, and positive press.
Brand building also requires years of good recruiting, competent coaching, players with faith in the system, team chemistry, a strong work ethic, and a little luck.
Over the last 12 years, the Longhorn football brand has suffered while Longhorn women athletes have carried the brand-building torch. I hope during the next 5 years, men can duplicate women’s success.
In the meantime, Longhorn Sports’ history will continue to carry the branding torch. History creates who we are, and our past is epic. Many former Longhorn student-athletes have enhanced the Longhorn brand through their personal actions and unselfish team values building bridges that are now the cornerstone of our great university. The link below will lead you to many others Longhorn brand builders.
The oral history of Longhorn and Olympic gold medalist Brendan Hansen is sponsored by “Camp Longhorn” and Working Exes for Texas Swimming at
WETS (Working Exes for Texas swimming was organized in 1968 when a group of former Longhorn swimmers, divers, and coaches, headed by Tex Robertson, met to promote the University of Texas aquatic excellence.

Longhorn Brand Builder Brendan Hansen
As is true of all the past oral history segments on TLSN, Brendan Hansen’s story is more than just a podcast. It is a three-dimensional story-telling venue combining text, photos, and Brendan’s words, to capture a medley of his special moments in Longhorn sports history.
One of the most potent and significant confirmations of talent is “Olympic Champion”- an accolade officially recorded and honored for eternity as the best in the world for one moment in time.
Brendan Hansen has proven his leadership skills many times over his 15 years on the U.S. National team, being named Captain nine times, two of which as Olympic Team Captain (’08, ’12). At the college level, he helped his University of Texas Longhorns win two National Titles. He is personally in the record books as the only male breaststroker to remain undefeated in the 100 and 200 breaststrokes at the NCAA Championships in all four years of his eligibility.
Enjoy his journey and read about one particular Olympic media conflict at the link:
1973 Cotton Bowl by Larry Carlson
Fifty years ago, college football officiating crews did not spend thirty minutes during each game reviewing plays and deciding whether or not to uphold or reverse calls made in real-time, the whiz-bang way they went down. And for fifty years, Alabama fans with elephant-like memories still believe Texas QB Alan Lowry was out of bounds on the winning touchdown run on New Year’s Day.
AUGUST 2, 2022 Author Mark McDonald says:
While researching my “Beyond the Big Shootout — 50 Years of Football’s Life Lessons,” I happened on a Mickey Mantle story. The Mick shows up at a dinner party where legendary football coach Darrell Royal was holding court. “Coach, why didn’t you recruit me to play for you?” Mantle asked. DKR paused, then said, ” Because that was before you were Mickey Mantle.” The old Yankees star tilted his head and replied, “Yeah, but that was before you were Darrell Royal.”
A note from the Webmaster- Many features of the navigation tools have changed for 2023
Below is a brief explanation of each TLSN navigation page.
Inquires – If you wish, email the webmaster with your Longhorn story or a Longhorn sports-related question.
Sentry– this page contains a list of Longhorns with health issues. This site is updated when new information is available.
Mission– The mission statement of TLSN is established.
Donate– Donations received offer temporary financial assistance to qualifying former Longhorn student-athletes, support staff, and their immediate families. For a look at who TLSN has helped, click on
Webmaster – The Inspiration behind the TLSN website is detailed, and his articles are shared.
Oral history– 26 Longhorns tell their stories via podcasts, text, and photos.
Professor Carlson– TLSN is the archival site for Professor’s exclusive Longhorn articles, interviews, and more.
Bridge Builders– This site honors the Administrators’ who have built the bridge for Longhorn athletes to cross.
Honors– An extensive work, still not complete, that captures the individual honors of former Longhorn student-athletes.
History of All Longhorn Sports– This is the largest site. Filled with the history of each Longhorn sport shared year by year, starting from the inception of the sport to around 2014-2015. THIS SITE WILL ALWAYS BE A WORK IN PROCESS.
Longhorn Women’s sports history– A detailed account of the ROAD TO TITLE IX.
Newsletters- All Newsletters from 2016- 2022 are saved, and links are available.
Rings and Things – The story of Longhorn sports captured in “creations of honor.”
Heritage – Snapshots of past moments that have influenced the present and/or are essential to the past represent this collection.
Fan Reflections – fans share their Longhorn sports memories on this site. Use the “inquires” navigation button to email the webmaster your story.
Home – Clicking on defaults to the home page. It is a dynamic page with content that is always changing. New TLSN links Rotate to the top of the home page every three to four days.
TLSN is an independent organization celebrating Longhorn Sports History and assisting qualifying Horns who need temporary financial assistance. The TLSN website and newsletter are free, educational, historical, and insightful, sharing Longhorn sports history through the eyes of those who created it.
TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletics Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.