Carter Hill’s passing, Jeff Ward, Bobby Lilljedahl , and Bill Little
Bill Sansing has passed away. The link below shares an article that Bill Little wrote about Mr. Sansing’s influence on the Sports media starting as the SID for D.X. Bible. Bill was 100 years old. Benjamin Franklin said there are only three things certain in life: death, taxes and Fans Ok – the quote…
View in Browser Top of the Queue Volume VII Newsletter #16 July 9th, 2022 Click on “View in Browser highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale, font is too small, or no images appear. THE GUM CHEWERS SONG As a build-up to the 1969 National Championship game, the media asked…
View in Browser Coach Cliff Gustafson has passed away Click on the small white “VIEW IN BROWSER” letters above for best-quality text and photos. Dear Horns, Coach Gustafson has passed away. Please excuse the email for possible errors since I have been driving for 12 hours to get my mother back to Odessa after the…
View in Browser “I just heard Chris Samuels passed away. Classy guy and awesome person.” Spanky Stephens TLSN is a Tax-Exempt with the specific mission of helping former Longhorn student-athletes who have fallen through society’s safety. TLSN Board members Benny Pace, Jim Kay, Spanky Stephens, Beth Coblentz, and Billy Dale Click on “View in Brower”…
View in Browser IMPORTANT: Please click “VIEW IN BROWSER,” shown in the white letters above, to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t click, the text and pictures will be tiny and difficult to read. Top of the Queue Volume VII newsletter #17 8/18/2023 TLSN is not associated with…
View in Browser Top of the Queue – Volume VIII Newsletter #2 -January 19th, 2024 Texas Legacy Support Network Important: Click on the small red letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. TEXAS LEGACY SUPPORT shares a panoramic view of Longhorn sports history as seen through…