Sherryl Hauglum

Sherryl Hauglum

Sherryl Hauglum 1980’s women’s basketball Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Sherryl and her teammates were trailblazers setting the bar high for future Longhorn women athletes. Sherryl’s oral history starts in Victoria, Texas, playing high school basketball, followed…



Click on the photo below to listen, read, and share the visual story of 33 Longhorn Brand Builders. Names are organized alphabetically by last name. Lone Star Gridiron produces the oral history of Longhorn brand builders- Click on the photo to visit the oral history of Longhorn brand builders.

Jimmy Nixon – see links

Below is the link to an excellent adventure sharing Jimmy Nixon’s vision and passion for celebrating the greatness of some past Longhorn football players. The road to creating Jimmy’s four bronze Longhorn quarterback images was a special time in the life of Billy Dale  2021 A MOST EXCELLENT ADVENTURE ( Jimmy Nixon, with help from…

Glenn Blackwood

Glenn Blackwood podcast is below Squarespace Glenn Blackwood’s oral history podcast, text, and photos are sponsored by Beth Coblentz.  GLENN BLACKWOOD:  BRUISING, STINGING KILLER “B” by Larry Carlson  ( ) Glenn Blackwood was kind of hot under the collar.  After 40 minutes on the phone with me and Chris Doelle of TLSN one recent…

Peter Gardere

Sponsored by MBFC contact John Carsey at Peter’s oral Longhorn sports history link is below PETER THE GREAT by Larry Carlson ( ) There’s a word in the American lexicon that is more overused, abused — and certainly more misused — than even iconic, awesome, and incredible. That word is – “Unique.”…

Bill Atessis football 1967-1970

Bill Atessis football 1967-1970

Bill shares his memories of playing football for DKR in the late 1960s. Click on the oral history segment below. The History of Longhorn Sports BILL ATESSIS (1968-1970) 21st GREATEST PLAYER IN TEXAS LONGHORN FOOTBALL HISTORY Bill Atessis was the best defensive player on one of the ten greatest teams in college football history. That…

Gary Plock Tennis 1978

Gary Plock Tennis 1978

Sponsored by MBFC. Contact John Carsey at Gary’s Oral history segment is at the link below Gary Plock  As a Junior Tennis player Gary won the 1974 Sugar Bowl International Championships in New Orleans, was selected as a member of the US Junior Davis Cup three times, and was the US Junior Southern…