Coach Allison to and from parents and players
war – Allison responds
The good news about growing older? Because as your vision deteriorates, your insight improves. In this season of being grateful for blessings received, let me tell you why it has for me. Snyder as a longhorn tennis player As I look back at my college years a half-century ago, I am grateful for the…
Jim Bayless celebrates the history of Men’s Longhorn tennis in the podcast below. Fall 1972: The Coach Dave Snyder Era at UT Begins Longhorn Tennis Player and Coach Extraordinaire Dave Snyder 1950s 1958 2000 2000 I well remember my first encounter with Dave Snyder as our new coach. Dan Nelson and I had been practicing…
Game, Set, and Match by Jim Bayless Daniel A. Penick, Ph.D.—“The Doctor” 1925 Cactus The Legacy of Dr. Daniel A. Penick* Doctor Penick and Wilmer Allison Lewis White* – Won UT’s first two national intercollegiate doubles titles (with Louis Thalheimer), 1923 and 1924; SWC singles and doubles champion in 1922 and 1924; selected…
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“Click on the text denoted in red font on the side bar to visit other sites in this grid” Unlike Texas Basketball, Football, Track And Baseball There Are Very Few Books Or Research Material That Discuss Longhorn golf. I Hope With Time This Site Can Add Some Historical Insight And Tell The Full And Compelling…
Game, Set, and Match by Jim Bayless A Memoir by Jim Bayless My Four Years As A Member Of UT’s Varsity Tennis Team Under Coaches Allison And Snyder Gave Me An Education, In Tennis As Well As In Life, Which Was Unimaginable To Me Prior To My Arrival On Campus As A Freshman…