National Champion Walter H. McNew has passed away.
View in Browser Volleyball National Championship Ring TOP OF THE QUEUE NEWSLETTER #27 11/13/2021 Click on “view in Browser” if images are distorted or not shown. From concept to finish Jimmy Nixon’s vision to honor the 4 Longhorn national championship quarterbacks and football teams took three years of dedication, patience, and resolve. Jimmy and Billy’s…
View in Browser Click on “View in Browser” listed above to enhance the reading and photo quality of this TLSN newsletter. TLSN Volume VII newsletter #21 9/08/2022 Pat Brown The core mission of TLSN offers temporary financial assistance to qualifying Longhorn student-athletes, managers, trainers, support staff, and their immediate families. As such , through the…
View in Browser Top of the Que 09/19/2019 VOLUME IV NEWSLETTER #23 Welcome to the Texas Longhorn sports historical newsletter and website. UT Sports history, UT traditions, UT legacies, UT culture, individual records, photos, insightful comments, and personal commentary from those who made Horn history into a form that all Longhorns can celebrate. Click on…
View in Browser Click on the small black letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” shown above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. Updates on Coach Gus’s celebration of life as of 1/05/2023 with obit information are at the link COACH CLIFF GUSTAFSON ( TLSN’s mission was formed 7 years ago by Benny…
The link to Ron’s podcast is in the red font. WHO’S THE FAT KID, ABE? by Larry Carlson I was pretty damn fired up when I found out that I was gonna get to interview Ron Baxter for a TLSN podcast last month, thanks to the site’s contacts with John Carsey, one of Baxter’s old…
Coach Stan Huntsman 1986- 1995 Coach Stan Huntsman 2000 Inductee Into HOH 11 SWC Titles (Six Outdoors, Two In Cross Country And Three Indoors) Teams Swept SWC Triple Crown (Indoor, Outdoor, Cross Country) In 1991-92 And 1993-94 NCAA Outdoor Track Runner-Up In 1987 And 1988 Coached Nine NCAA Individual National Event Champions Coached…