oct. 2019 newsletter
View in Browser Longhorn Hall of Honor Recipient Mike Beard has passed away To format the TLSN newsletter click on the white-lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of this page. The link below is a work in process. Save it for present and future updates celebrating Mike Beards’ life. If you want to add…
Volume V Newsletter #19 Garrett Graff There is a whole section that honors Longhorn walk-ons chronicled on the TLSN website. Garret Graf’s story is one of them. Mickey Moss is a successful coach and administrator who received a master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin in athletic administration with an emphasis in exercise…
View in Browser Top of the Queue Volume VII Newsletter #26 November 18th, 2022 Click on the white-lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” shown above for best-quality text and photos. A Note from the Webmaster After the TCU loss, I was shocked at the venom spewed from Longhorn football fans on social media sites. Criticizing boys turning…
View in Browser To TLSN from Tommy Harmon -” Chuck Hartenstein, former baseball player and coach plus MLB pitcher and coach passed away last evening.” Click on “View in Browser highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale or no images are present. Chuck Hartenstein- Longhorn baseball brand builder . After…
View in Browser Volume VII Newsletter #9 4/20/2022 Click on “View in Browser” highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale or no images are present. Tomorrow 4/21/2022, DKR players, managers, and trainers share fellowship at El Matt. The event is sponsored by Mike Perrin, Bill Hall, and Pat Culpepper. For…
View in Browser Jim Bertelsen has passed away Scott Palmer and Chal Barnwell contacted me with the information. TLSN has set up a special page for updates. Right now, there is nothing on Jim’s page, but as information begins to flow, the content will be added. Save the link. https://texas-lsn.squarespace.com/jim-bertelsen TLSN is not associated with…