Quarterbacks, Kelly Wilson, Tyres Dickson’s podcast, fire hazard
View in Browser Top of the Que Volume V Newsletter #28 Athletic Director Donna Lopiano Pioneers are visionaries and risk-takers, and without them, there are no new beginnings. At the link below is a chronological list of Longhorn pioneers since 1893. Longhorn Pioneers (squarespace.com) Before a woman could excel as an athlete, lead as an…
View in Browser Top of the Queue Volume VII Newsletter #22 September 21, 2022. To format the TLSN newsletter for cell phones, it is necessary to Click on the white lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of this page. Not doing so reduces the quality of photos and the text font. Health Updates: Longhorn…
David Ballew Health Watch Status Texas Legacy Support Network, 7703 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX, 78731, United States Unsubscribe Powered by Squarespace
In the past four months, Longhorn national volleyball champion and TLSN Chairwoman Beth Coblentz has explored various sponsorship opportunities to assist Tyres Dickson. Tyres, who has been wheelchair-bound for over 25 years following after a car accident, recently requested a custom-made therapeutic bed to help alleviate his bed sores.TLSN’s Beth Coblentz found a source who…
View in Browser Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Last TLSN newsletter for 2019 will be after Christmas but before the New Year. JON DASILVA’S pending documentary “The Kicker” about Longhorn football player Fred Bednarski captures the horrors of WWII, new beginnings in America, and college football records. The story is about 8 year old…
View in Browser I am forwarding this email from Dena Reneau with her permission to the members of the 1960 football teams. Please forward to anyone you choose. Dena says he lights up when Longhorn football is the topic of conversation. Update on Doctor Reneau from his wife Billy, I so enjoy your articles and…