Coming In August 2021
Podcast of Longhorn Brand builders Herkie Walls and Dana LeDuc, and an interview with Bill Bradley by Larry Carlson. All sponsored by the Austin-based law firm of Minton, Bassett, Flores, & Carsey.
The T-Ring
Dallas Griffin, a former Anson Mount Scholar/Athlete for the Horns, says it best when describing the symbolic significance of the T-ring.
“This (the T-) ring embodies the whole college experience for me. That is why it is so special.”
The story of the T-ring is at

Ricky Williams proudly wears his “T”’ ring
Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, “life can only be understood backward; But it must be lived forward.” At 20 years of age, I would never have understood his profound comment to the extent I do at 72. Rings give wearers a chance to view their life backward. They are crystal balls that reflect the past, not the future; time capsules that remind the wearer that their road to destiny “started here.” -a journey that was full of peaks and valleys directed by fate, work ethic, inspirations, epiphanies, luck, health, adversity, decisions, and friends.
Rings – Three Longhorn lost and found stories.
Leroy Sutherland – The Beached Ring

Early October 2019, Billy Dale received a phone call from a bartender in Hawaii who said that a guest at the hotel found a Big XII Texas, track Championship ring on the beach near the hotel. He said the names on the ring was “Sutherland” and “compliance.” After some detective work and a few emails, Chris Plonsky, Ivan Wagner, and Tyrone Scott responded and said the ring belonged to Leroy Sutherland, a compliance officer for UT. The photo is Leroy’s ring with 21 years of saltwater corrosion.
The link below shares the correct historical photo sequence of the story about the “beached” ring.
Leroy Sutherland shows off his ring after cleaning.
Chris Young and the ring detector
Chris Young was a member of the 1969 National Championship team.
He says “I lost my ring in my back yard (my fingers are smaller than they used to be!) and hired a fellow with a metal detector to see if he could find it. Thankfully he did! It is amazing that we all have kept up with these rings for over 50 years.”
He tells his story about losing his national championship ring in a infomercial for a metal detecting service at

Billy Dale – A pouch full of rings
Jane Tierney who I do not know found in the attic of her parent’s home three rings in a blue pouch. (A Permian high school graduation ring, a T-ring, and a Texas 1968 SWC Conference championship ring.)

Jane contacted me via Facebook and said:
“I think these may belong to you. They were found in my parent’s house in Odessa. Please message me and I’ll find a way to get them to you. “
Jane contiunes, “I also live in Austin. I found your name on the inscription on the ring in the picture. There were other rings in the bag as well.”


No Facebook emoticon could capture the moment I opened the pouch and saw the rings for the first time in 48 years. Each of the rings took me back to my “start here moment.” Rings earned when I was a troubled young man looking for the Holy Grail that would reveal my destiny. No visions appeared.
Author Dick Baird says that athletics “demands an emotional investment.” In sports, you “learn to navigate complicated interactions between trust, honesty, sacrifice, collaboration, cohesion, and communication. “
Dick Baird is correct. Looking backward through the rings, it is now quite clear that coaches and playing competitive sports were my best teachers.
I now realize that I did find the Holy Grail in my youth. It was ingrained in my heart by great coaches who taught me, “life is best traveled with a teammate mentality, a work ethic in tow, and self-reliance as the goal.” Horns Up!
For the extensive photo gallery of rings and things, visit:
If you have a Longhorn ring or sports-related things, please send it to for addition to the History of Longhorn Sports.
Rings and Things- looking backward

1925 George Harris Track Medal
1997 Carl Johnson Track Leadership award presented to Richrd Duncan.


Dr. Nasser Al-Rashid Lifting & Conditioning Awards Given Out yearly!
1992 Matt Trissel(FB), Jeff Madden, (Maddog, S&C) Chris Simms (QB), Deandre Lewis (LB)
2012 Volleyball national championship ring

Big 12 baseball, basketball, women’s basketball, and football trophies


Women’s Hall of Honor statute presented to inductees.
Womens Track and Field all hands on deck winning the Big 12 championship trophy.


Jody Conradt celebration basketball for her 1000 career game as a basketball coach. The tribute to Coach is housed at the Stark Center on the 5th floor on the North end zone to DKR stadium
Rowing athletes have moved the Horns to the top of the collegiate rowing list with many Big 12 championships and a 2021 national championship.


Senior student manager Roy A. Jones II brings the 1964 Cotton Bowl trophy home to Austin.
2002 – Big 12 softball championship ring.

100’s of more Rings and things images are captured on the TLSN website @
Dear WETS, July 2021

It’s Longhorn swimming/diving reunion time. September 3rd and 4th 2021
Our friend, mentor and the World’s best Coach Eddie Reese retires after 42 seasons and a big thanksgiving party was scheduled for the first football game weekend!
An even better celebration is planned for Eddie’s unretirement party
September 3rd and 4th!
That’s right HE’S BACK !!!!!
Friday’s events begin at 3:30 with the Alumni Relays then off to SCHOLTZALIZE and enjoy a dinner compliments of WETS somewhere near the pool (tentatively set for Scholtz Garden). Click or copy the link to RSVP for Friday’s events:
The Outdoor Pool dedication events will happen Saturday morning before the football game scheduled for 3:30 PM on Fox.
Details and registration about these Friday and Saturday celebrations as well as an opportunity to purchase football tickets for the Longhorns VS Ragin Cajuns will be coming soon!
Bill Robertson ‘81
TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletics Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.
TLSN is an independent Longhorn sports historical website with a compassionate component building bridges to the past, present, and future.
The TLSN website and newsletter are free, educational, historical, and insightful, chronicling Longhorn sports history through the eyes of those who created it.