Interview 1973, Champions 1963, Spirit organizations, honoring those lost

Interview 1973, Champions 1963, Spirit organizations, honoring those lost

View in Browser Texas Legacy Support Network Top of the Queue- Volume VII Newsletter #18 – September 1, 2023 TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletic Department, or any organization closely aligned with UT. Important: Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” listed above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text…

1961-1964- Just missed earning three national championships- Coach Royal football

1961-1964- Just missed earning three national championships- Coach Royal football

Jones Ramsey said, “ Darrell had charisma. A disease you can’t get rid of.” “Darrell was a sweet Bear Bryant,” However , Royal’s players never saw that side of him. Please go to this website’s “credit” section to view books you can purchase from many fine bookstores about Texas Longhorn Sports or visit the official…

1963 social and football highlights

1963 social and football highlights

1963 McWilliams, Appleton, Ford.jpg 1963 Appleton and Ford .jpg 1963 – Brucks, Ford, Carlisle.jpg 1963 – Carlisle, McWilliams, Philip, Ellington, Gaynor.jpg 1963 Carlisle, Talbert, Bedrick.jpg 1963 Carlisle,Ford.jpg 1963 George Spear, Coach Allison, Bill Munn, Preston Davis.jpg 1963 Lan Hewlett, , McWilliams, Carlisle, Charles Talbert.jpg 1963 1930 Harrison Stafford.jpg 1963 about Texas 2.jpg 1963 about Texas.jpg…

1900’s thru 1963 “Tom and Harvey Penick Era for golf

1900’s thru 1963 “Tom and Harvey Penick Era for golf

Unlike Texas Basketball, Football, Track And Baseball There Are Very Few Books Or Research Material That Discuss Longhorn golf.  I Hope With Time This Site Can Add Some Historical Insight And Tell The Full And Compelling Story Of The Texas golf Tradition.       Looking through the window of future dreams to be a member…