
Brand Building, Swimming, Track stars, Mauldin’s, Snyder, and Harmon

View in Browser Volume VII Newsletter #6 3/13/2022 Click on “View in Browser highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale or no images are present. LONGHORN BRAND BUILDERS By 1916 all major Universities realized that sports did a better job of increasing academic standards, school loyalty, and student enrollment than…

Volume VI #30   12/21/2021- Carlson, obit, Mauldin, Woodard, Phillips, Bertelsen, Directors

Volume VI #30 12/21/2021- Carlson, obit, Mauldin, Woodard, Phillips, Bertelsen, Directors

View in Browser Volume VI Newsletter #30 – 12/21/2021 Click on “view in browser” at the top of page if images do not appear or content is distorted. NOTE: All the TLSN newsletters written since 2016 are captured in the Navigation tool at the top of the TLSN website. Warning 2016 -2018 newsletters were rudimentary…