
10-11-2024 TLSN Newsletter #21 Volume VIIII Tyres, Haley, Coblentz, Ollie, Callison, Nobis

In the past four months, Longhorn national volleyball champion and TLSN Chairwoman Beth Coblentz has explored various sponsorship opportunities to assist Tyres Dickson. Tyres, who has been wheelchair-bound for over 25 years following after a car accident, recently requested a custom-made therapeutic bed to help alleviate his bed sores.TLSN’s Beth Coblentz found a source who…


Bruce Mailey passing- Roy Jones, Texas Relays, Tommy Nobis,, Stark Center

View in Browser Volume VII Newsletter #8 – 04/06/2022 Click on “view in browser” at the top of the page if images do not appear, the images appear distorted, or the links are not visible. Bruce Mailey Has Passed Away Lance Taylor texted me on 3/29/2022 saying: ”Billy…I wanted to let you know that Bruce…


Pat Brown, Mark Halfmann, Joe Nobis, Bobby Gurwitz, QB Bust, Larry Carlson

View in Browser Top of the Queue Volume VII Newsletter #22 September 21, 2022. To format the TLSN newsletter for cell phones, it is necessary to Click on the white lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of this page. Not doing so reduces the quality of photos and the text font. Health Updates: Longhorn…