2003-2004 basketball, Stowers, Colt McCoy, trivia, Coach Quick, Risen

2003-2004 basketball, Stowers, Colt McCoy, trivia, Coach Quick, Risen

View in Browser Top of the Queue – Volume VIII Newsletter #3 -February 2, 2024 Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of the page to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. TEXAS LEGACY SUPPORT shares a panoramic view of Longhorn sports history as seen through…

Eddie Southern, Women’s Awards, trivia, worst basketball, running backs.

Eddie Southern, Women’s Awards, trivia, worst basketball, running backs.

View in Browser Important: Click on the small WHITE letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. Volume VIII Newsletter #12 5-26-2023 Eddie Southern has passed away. Eddie Southern was an SWC champion, NCAA Champion, world record holder, and Olympic Silver medalist. He is an inductee into…


Dickie Johnston, baseball trivia, cross Country, Ray Dulak

View in Browser Top of the Que- Volume VII Newsletter #14 -June 23, 2023 Texas Legacy Support Network Important: Click on the small red letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. The official sports drink for many of us is sent to TLSN by Conrad Derdeyn,…


Jay Ward, Goodwin, Kirk Bohls, media days, David Price, 1914, Trivia

View in Browser IMPORTANT: Please click “VIEW IN BROWSER,” shown in the white letters above, to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t click, the text and pictures will be tiny and difficult to read. Top of the Queue Volume VII newsletter #16 8/04/2023 TLSN is not associated with…

Basketball Trivia

 Hoops Trivia quiz by Larry Carlson Texas Hoops 1  Who led the ’78 NIT champs in scoring? 2   Name the “BMW” players who formed UT’s “Ultimate Scoring Machine” in 1989-90. 3   Who was the Longhorns’ first blue-chip national recruit, signed in ’79 by Coach Abe Lemons? 4   Name the former Longhorn whose two sons became…

Trivia football

 Take a test on a sample of Longhorn Historyby Larry Carlson ( lc 13@txstate.edu )1 Which of these UT coaches got the most bowl wins at Texas?A. Fred Akers B. John Mackovic C. Tom Herman D. David McWilliams2 What Texas quarterback took a knee in the “victory formation” as UT ran the clock out when…