Texas Fight
Colonel Walter s. Hunnicutt wrote “Taps” the song with James E. King.
Honeycut said he wrote the song to “counteract the songs and yells of the uncomplimentary Aggie songs which demeaned U.T.
Colonel Walter s. Hunnicutt wrote “Taps” the song with James E. King.
Honeycut said he wrote the song to “counteract the songs and yells of the uncomplimentary Aggie songs which demeaned U.T.
The Longhorn Teapot Saga The Origin of Tea-sips as told by Ray Gonzales The term “tea sip” came from our university cafeteria, a wooden structure, unfortunately, named the “tea house” that was located near the Simkins dorm. I even ate there. The aggies saw it and made fun of the name. That’s where…
View fullsize 1968- Worster and Royal View fullsize Eric Metcalf Sherri Steinbauer Sherri Steinbauer Chris Gilbert 1939 brochure Bobby Lilljedahl Bryon Townsend Patrick Boden Royal and Appleton 1981 – texas-ou Glen Gaspard and Alan Lowry Chris Simms Courtney Okolo 2016 Bobby Layne Final 4 Chris Simms Patterson and Strong Colt McCoy Mark McDonald & the…
Bohls: Texas To Honor Four National Championship Teams With Quarterback Busts Kirk BohlsHookem Kirk Bohls 0:00 0:59 AD Texas to celebrate Duke Carlisle, the late James Street, Eddie Phillips and Vince Young. All four quarterbacks were Texas-bred players who had spectacular signature plays in their careers. Montana sculptor Ken Bjorge also created the Earl Campbell…
The Rise and Fall of the Super Drum Click on red “facebook” to see the final moments of the drum. Facebook Since 1977, almost 26 million people have visited the Super Drum. In 1980, after the passing of Frank Erwin, the Super Drum was renamed the “Frank Erwin Center.” Frank’s name never stuck on the…
The Road to Burnt Orange While all Dorothy had to do was follow the yellow brick road, finding the Longhorn burnt orange road was as elusive as finding a pot of gold somewhere over the rainbow . It has been said that “what starts here (Texas) changes the world.” If that is so, struggling to…