Update on Coach Leon Black, Bio on Coach Bibb Falk, and softball history
View in Browser Juan Conde has passed away Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. By FRANCISCO E. JIMENEZ Most athletes dream of one day being a part of a championship team. Juan Conde, Jr. has done that … three times,…
View in Browser 6/7/2024 TLSN Newsletter #12 Volume VIII IMPORTANT: Please click on the black letters shown above, titled “VIEW IN BROWSER,” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text and pictures will be small and difficult to read. Hello Billy, Herb Griffith here. I am sad…
Volume V Newsletter #19 Garrett Graff There is a whole section that honors Longhorn walk-ons chronicled on the TLSN website. Garret Graf’s story is one of them. Mickey Moss is a successful coach and administrator who received a master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin in athletic administration with an emphasis in exercise…
View in Browser “I just heard Chris Samuels passed away. Classy guy and awesome person.” Spanky Stephens TLSN is a Tax-Exempt with the specific mission of helping former Longhorn student-athletes who have fallen through society’s safety. TLSN Board members Benny Pace, Jim Kay, Spanky Stephens, Beth Coblentz, and Billy Dale Click on “View in Brower”…
(20+) Facebook https://www.facebook.com/reel/1088078349514473 UNLIKE TEXAS BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL, TRACK, AND BASEBALL THERE ARE VERY FEW BOOKS DEDICATED TO LONGHORN Rowing. I HOPE WITH TIME THIS SITE CAN ADD SOME HISTORICAL INSIGHT AND TELL THE COMPELLING STORY OF LONGHORN Rowing. A condensed bullet point history of Texas Longhorn rowing follows. Please go to the “credit” section of this…
Below is the list of newsletter topics for 2020. Black font is the subject matter, and red font is the link to the subject. #1 Anatomy of a Longhorn Fan, passing of Bill Sansin, Throwing coke bottles, Duke Carlisle, Wesley Allen http://texaslsn.org/two-subjects-the-history-of-longhorn-fan-and-remembering-bill-sansing/ #2 Football – 1992-1997, Tennis under Jeff Moore, and Rowing http://texaslsn.org/update-coach-black-football-1992-1997-hookem-tennis-jeff-moore-rowing/ #3 Update…