Coach Weis’s journey- Valentines Hedgepeth and Trissel- honor Nate Boyer
View in Browser Volume VI Newsletter #24- 10/17/2021 Click on “view in browser” at the top of page if images do not appear. Texas Football 1976-1977-1978 T- Ring Reflections – Rick Fenlaw, Joey Aboussie, and Garland Kennon – Hey Billy, I hope this finds you and your family well! My husband Rick Fenlaw and I…
View in Browser To TLSN from Tommy Harmon -” Chuck Hartenstein, former baseball player and coach plus MLB pitcher and coach passed away last evening.” Click on “View in Browser highlighted above in white lettering if the newsletter is not to scale or no images are present. Chuck Hartenstein- Longhorn baseball brand builder . After…
View in Browser Volleyball National Championship Ring TOP OF THE QUEUE NEWSLETTER #27 11/13/2021 Click on “view in Browser” if images are distorted or not shown. From concept to finish Jimmy Nixon’s vision to honor the 4 Longhorn national championship quarterbacks and football teams took three years of dedication, patience, and resolve. Jimmy and Billy’s…
View in Browser TLSN is not affiliated with the UT Athletic Department or any organization closely aligned with UT. 7/05/2024 TLSN volume VIII Newsletter # 14 IMPORTANT: Please click on the black letters shown above titled “VIEW IN BROWSER” to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. If you don’t, the text…
View in Browser HORNS UP ! Two of the greatest Horns. Both were National Champions and Super Bowl Champions. Both are now gone, but their story will live on. Pete Lammons has passed away in a drowning accident. Professor and author Larry Carlson shares his memories of Pete. REMEMBERING NUMBER 87 by…
View in Browser Top of the Queue Volume VII Newsletter #22 September 21, 2022. To format the TLSN newsletter for cell phones, it is necessary to Click on the white lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of this page. Not doing so reduces the quality of photos and the text font. Health Updates: Longhorn…