T-Ring Reflections- Lawrence Sampleton and Ron Baxter
View in Browser Top of the Que- Volume VII Newsletter #14 -June 23, 2023 Texas Legacy Support Network Important: Click on the small red letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. The official sports drink for many of us is sent to TLSN by Conrad Derdeyn,…
View in Browser HORNS UP! DKR SAYS “IF I HAD 11 MEN LIKE PERRY McWILLIAMS, I’D NEVER LOSE A GAME.” Perry McWilliams has passed away Royal recruited players from the inside-out based on heart, attitude, and spirit. Royal understood early in his coaching career that players who believe they are bigger and faster than they…
THE TALL TALE OF DEAN CAMPBELL by Larry Carlson for https://texaslsn.org It sounds straight out of Mayberry, RFD. A young Dean Campbell recalls playing some good ‘ol neighborhood football in his Austin neighborhood in 1957, when the city bore a closer resemblance to Mayberry than it does to the Austin of today. A young, 30-ish…
View in Browser March 24, 2022 –Top of the Que Volume VII Newsletter #7 Click on “view in browser” at the top of the page if images do not appear, the images appear distorted, or the links are not visible. Professor Carlson’s most recent article shares the story of Longhorn punters and beyond. How important…
View in Browser There is a temporary link in the Navigation tool at the top of the screen at https://texaslsn.org that pays tribute to Longhorns lost in 2018-2019. I know I have missed some who have passed away, so please email me their names at Williamdale.msn.com so the Longhorn Nation can honor and remember those who have…
Frank Broyles, the Arkansas coach, says, “The Texas game, for everybody in the conference, is as much psychological as it is scheme and strategy.” “You can define scheme and strategy, but you can’t accurately script morale and attitude in that game.” Arkansas Coach Jack Crowe says the Razorbacks seem to change their personality” for the…