January 24, 2025 newsletter #2 Volume IX

January 24, 2025 newsletter #2 Volume IX

The link to the full-color newsletter is at https://texaslsn.org?fluentcrm=1&route=email_preview&fc_newsletter=7621c7f1f2295bb4f6d7c386d2123f6b The Newsletter link #2 to Volume IX, dated January 24, 2025, is provided below in the red link starting with https://texaslsn.org. The topics covered include Bobby Wuensch, the death of Robert Cuellar, the 1964 football class reunion reach-out by Gene Powell, Tommy Harper, and Greg Lott,…

Coach Zapalac

Coach Zapalac

Zapalac High school Hall of Fame.png Willie Zapalac Aggie football player Zapalac, Sisemore, and Bellard Coach Zapalac. with Walt Garrison Coach Zapalac gives a speech. Zapalac and Cotton Bowl Hall of Fame Mike Dean Zapalac played college football as a fullback at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas He lettered in football at Texas…

Jack Chevigny

 CHEVIGNY IS KILLED ON IWO JIMA IN WWII. HORNS UP! Another legend surrounding Chevigny is that, after the 1934 football victory, he had been presented a fountain pen with the inscription, “To Jack Chevigny, a Notre Dame boy who beat Notre Dame” and that on September 2, 1945, this pen was discovered in the hands…

Coach Allison -correspondence

Coach Allison -correspondence

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1993- 2015  Coach Kearney- women’s track

1993- 2015 Coach Kearney- women’s track

Coach Kearney Track is a fascinating sport that teaches participants the key elements necessary to overcome adversity.  The Greeks knew this and founded the Olympic movement around Track and Field. Track is an uncomplicated sport. Participants don’t need to learn complicated plays, study films to determine team tendencies, or change offensive and defensive techniques every…