From Jimmy Nixon:
You can announce that QB busts are fully funded!
Unveiling probably second half of October when the weather is cooler and the South End Zone Project is complete?
Sincere thanks to all the Longhorn faithful who made this possible.
The chronicle of the Longhorn busts from conception to completion is at:
President Roosevelt said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, “It is a day that will live in infamy.”
In the world of Longhorn football, the loss to Georgia on January 2, 1984, is a day that will live in infamy. It was probably the most painful loss in the History of Longhorn football.
Lou Holtz said about the 1983 team, “In all my years of coaching, this is the best defensive team (Texas) I’ve ever seen.” This team still holds the Texas record with 17 NFL draft picks.
Rob Moerschell, was a 4-year letterman, team Captain, snap holder, punt returner, and the last Longhorn quarterback in the 20th century to go undefeated as the starter. He was 9-0 as a starter but Rob did not get the call for the Cotton Bowl game. Rick McIvor did!
Thanks to the TLSN sponsor Minton Bassett, Flores & Carsey, an Austin-based Law firm, Rob tells his detailed story playing for the Horns from 1981-1984 via podcast, photos, and text.
Before Division I Texas women’s swimming, the best longhorn women swimmers competed as members of the Texas Turtle Club.

In 1963 Rosemary Slack coached and sponsored the synchronized “Turtle Club” founded by Anna Hiss. The Turtles were composed of women who wanted to reach the highest level of swimming competition available at U.T.
In 1969 Rosemary became the first women’s swim coach and won the first SWC championship held at UT-Arlington.

1922- Davis, on the bottom row far right, proudly wears her “T” letter sweater with the Horn logo.
1916 – The letter “T” on the sleeve of the sweater is earned not given.

By Larry Carlson
Tom Campbell is in his element this summer afternoon, talking football. The man can tell a damn good story. The easy drawl, the timing, the breaks punctuated by chuckles. It’s all there. Terrific tales told by a dude who has had good reason to polish his stories. When you’re the Longhorn responsible for two of the biggest defensive plays in the burnt orange family album, you’re going to get asked to hit rewind pretty often. The rest of Larry’s article about Tom is at:

All walk-ons deserve a Horns ???? Up, but few will ever earn Tom Campbells Longhorn credentials.
Photo is Mike Campbell on the left with Tom Campbell at Tom’s induction into the Cotton Bowl Hall of Fame. On easels in background are other inductees Kevin Murray, and Lou Holtz.
Walk-on Tom Campbell starts his way up the Longhorn ladder of success with stellar performances in the Turd Bowl.

On Mondays, upperclassmen who did not play in the Saturday game scrimmaged the freshman in what was appropriately named the Turd Bowl. Most everyone who participated thought this game smelled.
Many players felt that it was Royal’s attempt to run them off. Tom Campbell commented, “ some all-state players thought they were above participating in the turd bowl, so they just lost their hearts.”
Tom Campbell was one of the few who viewed the scrimmages as an opportunity to improve his skills. He said it was “instructional,” a time to improve fundamentals and techniques. The story of the Turd bowl and other significant events during the DKR years is at:
In this photo, Tom is holding his Cotton Bowl Hall of fame trophy.

The goal of TLSN is both compassionate and historical.
As a tax-exempt, TLSN has helped financially 4 qualifying former Longhorn student-athletes through difficult times. TLSN will help more! TLSN believes that former Longhorn Brand Builders deserve a safety net to mitigate circumstances beyond their control.
In addition, TLSN strives to capture Longhorn sports history through the eyes of those who created it. All Longhorn athletes have built the Longhorn brand- not just those blessed with superior talent. Many work hard at practice but never play in a game. But that does not exclude them from Longhorn brand building.
My favorite Longhorn story is told through the eyes of Garry Brown.
Garry Brown -a Longhorn Brand Builder.
While Coach Royal was tough on his players, he also had tremendous respect for team members who competed hard at practice. Garry Brown was that kind of teammate. But, unfortunately, he never suited up for a varsity game.
His patience and perseverance were rewarded by Royal in the final conference game in 1964 against Texas A & M. With 2 1/2 minutes to play and the Texas victory secure; Royal told Garry Brown to go in on defense.
On A&M’s next three plays, Garry had one tackle and two assists. Then with 30 seconds to play, Royal put Garry in the game on offense, and Garry caught a 19-yard pass followed by a 10 yard TD catch as the clock ran out. Garry said, “I was in the form of shock. My teammates were more excited than I was. They were in unbridled joy. It is and was a great memory.”
Do not let your special moments as a Longhorn disappear from sports history. Share your story with TLSN! Football stories are always welcome, but those stories are no more important than those from all the other sanctioned NCAA sports.
Unfortunately, I am only 3 for 16 convincing former women Longhorn athletes to share Horn’s history through their eyes.
TLSN also wants to chronicle more memories of men’s baseball, basketball, track, swimming, tennis, golf, and cross country.
You can share a special Longhorn moment in either a short or long story or as a photo to Here is one example of a great photo sent to me that captures the essence of teammates for life.
Horns UP! Ralph, Ray, Clay, AP, Hatchett, Graham, Tate, Lawrence, Epps, Big E, Ronnie, and Carl (No date)
Pending 2021 interviews and podcasts for the TLSN website
Football- Herkie Walls, Peter Gardere, Billy Schott, Bill Bradley, Chance Mock, Turk McDonald
Track- Dana LeDuc , Michelle Adamolekun
Volleyball – Beth Coblentz
Mr. Everything- Octavious Bishop
Completed interviews, podcasts, and special memories that are now captured for posterity.
Baseball – Tommy Harmon, Buck Cody, Rooster Andrews.
Tennis – Gary Plock, Jim Bayless, Stewart Keller
Administrators – A.D. Donna Lopiano, Bob Rochs
Media – Jenna McEachern, Mike Barnes, Larry Carlson
Golf- Ben Crenshaw
Trainers- Spanky Stephens
Basketball – John Carsey, John Danks
Track – Dave Morton, Dr. Ricardo Romo, Carl Johnson by Byrd Baggett,
Coaches- Rodney Page, Leon Black by Rodney Page, Coach Black
Fans – Jimmy Nixon
Swimming – Hondo Crouch
Football- Julius Whittier, Duke Carlisle, Bill Attesis, Tyres Dickson, Rob Moerschell, Alan Champagne, Kiki DeAyala, Linus Baer, Billy Dale, Tommy Nobis, Tony Crosby by Gaylon Krizak, Regan Gennusa, Greg Ploetz, Loyd Wainscott by Barbara Wainscott. Freddie Steinmark, Bobby Goodwin by Amy Goodwin, Todd Hunt, Garry Brown, Jack Collins, Scott Appleton, Fred Bednarski, Pat Culpepper, George Sauer, Pete Lammons, Tommy Lucas
TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletics Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.
TLSN is an independent organization celebrating Longhorn Sports History and assisting qualifying Horns who need temporary financial assistance.
TLSN’s mission is to build bridges to the past, present, and future, sharing Longhorn sports history through the eyes of those who created it.
The website and newsletter are free, educational, historical, and insightful.