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Jim Hilliard has passed away.
Save this link for future updates. TLSN will add comments to Jim’s celebration of life sent to Williamdale@msn.com
Teammates standing in support of Jim – l to R- Mike Hardage, Garry Smith, Rick Fenlaw, Joey Aboussie, Paul Walker, Larry Smith, David Milam.
Seated is Jim Hilliard.
Michelle Adamolekun – Building the Brand

Michelle Adamolekun says:
”Together, we will strive for gender equality, to level the playing field, and create a world where all girls and women can reach their true potential and achieve their goals on and off the soccer field.”
Michelle is a native of Jamaica. Her family moved to New York City when she was still a subteen, and she went on to earn a track & field scholarship to The University of Texas. At UT, Michelle was a two-time national champion.
She has continued her winning ways in life, serving as Chief Human Resources Officer for a major health system. Michelle is also president of the Reggae Girlz Foundation, a non-profit that enables young women to further their education through soccer.
Adamolekun and her husband are the parents of two adult children who are accomplished international soccer players. She took time out of her busy schedule to answer questions from TLSN’s Larry Carlson.
Here is the link to her interview.
The Bill Bradley story is one of the most compelling ones in Longhorn sports history.
It is the saga of vast talent and versatility, great expectations, challenges, and disappointments, then adjustments, redemption, and triumph.
In the wake of the aborted 0-1-1 takeoff in 1968, Royal called Bradley in and told him he would be going with James Street under center. Bradley later recalled phoning his father in Palestine, ready to call it quits. His father was having none of that.
Bradley’s leadership qualities and pride in his status as a captain, a title voted on by his teammates, came through in humorous, self-deprecating style in the Horns’ first practice since the demotion. Lining up as a novice backup receiver, Bradley loosened the drawstrings on his sweatpants. Midway through his route, the erstwhile QB was stumbling over dropped pants, baring a full moon for his teammates. The practice field erupted with laughter, and the nervous tension was instantly dispelled. Finally, it was time to focus on Saturday night’s non-conference bout with Oklahoma State.

Bill Bradley’s odyssey lives on in record books and highlights a long, glossy personal resume. The DB, who might always hold the UT record of four pass interceptions in a single game, went on to pro football stardom. Chosen by Philadelphia in the third round of the NFL draft, Bradley was delivering well as a rookie punter and return man when he pestered coaches into letting him in on defense during a midseason game against Dallas. On his first NFL scrimmage play, Super Bill broke on a Roger Staubach pass intended for Mike Ditka, hijacked it, and took it 56 yards for a TD.
For the rest of Bill’s story written by Larry Carlsen, click on
To go directly to Larry’s interview with Bill Bradley, visit :
In Reflection 11/03/2016 Newsletter
Frank Denius, Kylie Doniak were at Top of the queue on 11/03/2016

Frank Denius’s autobiography is distributed by Tower Books and imprinted by the University of Texas Press. More information is in the queue.
Frank Denius special seat at DKR stadium


The struggle of soccer player Kylie Doniak to recover from a horrendous act perpetrated by a drunk driver.
Back in her home state of California, her family offers the most important form of support.

The next TLSN Newsletter publication is scheduled for October 3rd, 2021. It will be a special edition capturing for posterity the Oral history of quarterback Peter Gardere and kicker Billy Schott with a special re-visit to “The Tunnel” and a detailed history of the Texas-OU series.
TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletics Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.
TLSN is an independent organization celebrating Longhorn Sports History and assisting qualifying Horns who need temporary financial assistance.
TLSN’s mission is to build bridges to the past, present, and future, sharing Longhorn sports history through the eyes of those who created it.
The website and newsletter are free, educational, historical, and insightful.