Volume VI #30 12/21/2021- Carlson, obit, Mauldin, Woodard, Phillips, Bertelsen, Directors
View in Browser Volleyball National Championship Ring TOP OF THE QUEUE NEWSLETTER #27 11/13/2021 Click on “view in Browser” if images are distorted or not shown. From concept to finish Jimmy Nixon’s vision to honor the 4 Longhorn national championship quarterbacks and football teams took three years of dedication, patience, and resolve. Jimmy and Billy’s…
View in Browser Volume VIII Newsletter #8 03/31/2023 Important: Click on the small white letters “VIEW IN BROWSER” above to enlarge and enhance the photos and text on your cellphone. TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME!! Jim says, “I was fortunate to be part of three of the greatest teams in UT baseball history….
Life magazine promotes the Longhorn Brand and, by extension, the Southwest Conference. During pre-television days, magazines were the primary source of content and photos depicting American Life, science, politics, and culture with “Life” as the media leader for photojournalism. On November 17, 1941, Life celebrated the University of Texas and 14 Longhorn players. 13.5 million people…
View in Browser Top of the Que 09/12/2020 -Volume V Newsletter #23 The TLSN website and newsletter are free, educational, historical, and insightful, sharing Longhorn sports history through the “Eyes” of those who created it. Horns UP!!! Merlene Frazer Is Recognized As A National Champion In The 200 M- 1994 And 1995 and in the…
View in Browser We need to huddle Coach Akers Texas Legacy Support Network is passing along a Facebook Document to each of you. “My name is Diane Akers, wife and loved one of Coach Fred Akers and I need help for myself, my husband, children, grandchildren and countless others.” Coach Akers story is at https://texas-lsn.squarespace.com/fredakers-and-dianeakers…
View in Browser Top of the Que Volume VII Newsletter # 24 10/21/2022 To format the TLSN newsletter for cell phones, it is necessary to Click on the white-lettered “VIEW IN BROWSER” at the top of this page. Not doing so reduces the quality of photos and the text font for cell phones. Deryl Comer…