1951-1969 Coach Chapman- swimming
Unlike Texas Basketball, Football, Track,And Baseball There Are Very Few Books That Discuss Longhorn swimming. I Hope With Time This Site Can Add Some Historical Insight And Tell The Full And Compelling Story Of The Texas swimming Tradition.
Please visit WETS to learn more about Longhorn swimming. The link is denoted in red font below.
WETS (Working Exes for Texas Swimming) was organized in 1968 when a group of former Longhorn swimmers, divers and coaches, headed by Tex Robertson, met to promote University of Texas aquatic excellence. The initial goals of WETS were to honor the past accomplishments of UT swimmers and divers; promote the present and future success of Texas Swimming and Diving, and to Provide a common forum for all former Texas swimmers, divers, coaches, and fans to gather and stay connected.
I can weather storms and enjoy the sunshine knowing I will never lose – I either win or learn.
A condensed bullet point history of Texas Longhorn Swimming follows. Please go to the “credit” section of this website to view books you can purchase from many fine book stores about Texas Longhorn Sports, or please visit the official University of Texas Longhorn site Texassports.com for more detailed information.
The Texas Longhorn men’s swimming teams have won 14 National Champions, and the Women’s have won 9 . No other Longhorn sport comes close to the success of the Longhorn swimming.
The reigns of the men’s swimming program is transferred to another wise old owl.
Coach Hank Chapman 1951-1972
Inducted HOH: 1982
1940 All-American and SWC 3-meter diving champion
Coaches more than 20 All-American swimmers and divers
1964 U.S. Olympic diving coach
Receives Distinguished Coach Award from College Swimming Coaches Association
He dedicates himself to teaching P.E. and swimming at UT and in Austin for almost 50 years
Tutors David “Skippy” Browning to four NCAA titles and 1952 Olympic gold medal
Guides UT to three SWC championships and 14 SWC runner-up finishes during his 20 seasons
The Hank Chapman Endowed Scholarship in Swimming was established by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System on January 24, 2000, for the benefit of Intercollegiate Athletics. Gift funds were provided by Mrs. Carol F. Heller of Dallas, Texas, a 1962 graduate of The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business and Mr. Jeffrey M. Heller of Dallas, Texas, a 1968 graduate of The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. The endowment honors Mr. Hank Chapman of Austin, Texas.
Unfortunately Coach Chapmans teams were dominated by SMU and his teams got the reputations as the Avis of the SWC. They try harder but always finish 2nd.
1951- Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
This was the 18th of 20 SWC championships for the Longhorns. Won 3 of 4 events against California teams. This team set 4 SWC records
Eddie Gilbert, Skippy Browning, Frank Campbell are All Americans
1952- Coach Hank Chapman Team wins SWC
Lou Manganiell, Wynant Wilson, Roger Tolar, and Bill Hoff were the leaders of the swim team.
Skippy Browning, Bobby Brodnax are All Americans (no pictures). Team wins SWC
1953-Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
Team finishes 2nd in conference .
Brodnax took 3rd at Nationals. He is a three time All American.
1954-Coach Hank Chapman
Second in the conference behind S.M.U.
1955- Coach Hank Chapman S.W.C. Champions Pending more information
Melvin R. “Pat” Patterson had an excellent swim record. He was a U.T. swimming letterman three years 1954-1956. He was one of the top point-getters in 1955 in beating S.M.U.’s early string of S.W.C. championship. He was elected Captain of the 1956 Longhorn team that placed 2nd in the S.W.C.
1955- Coach Hank Chapman S.W.C. Champions
At the S.W.C. meet, The Texas Tankers took the top 4 spots in the 440 and the top 3 spots in the 1500 meter. Charlton Hadden was the high point man at the S.W.C. meet. Joe Lee Neal and Richard Lawler were the other victors. Longhorns had on average at least two men in each individual race at the S.W.C. meet.
https://www.texaslsn.org/patterson link to Patterson’s men’s swimming coaching years.
https://www.texaslsn.org/1971-1981-coach-patterson-wood link to Patterson’s women’s swimming coaching years.
First Row- Schmucker, Patton- Second Row- Bonner, Wengert, Johnson, Huber
Third row- Hadden (Captain) Perkins, Patterson, anderson, Englehardt
Fourth row- Medinilla, Neal, Nolan, Benz, Baker, Fennekohl, Schoelkopf (manager)
Dotson received the TSDHOF Lifetime Achievement Award
In 1955, Dotson was invited to swim at UT Austin, and after graduating in 1961, he was hired as a coach at the Austin Aquatic Club. He also coaches in Mission, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi and retired from Texas public schools in 2011. In his 45-year coaching career in Texas schools, he has produced numerous state champions and several UIL swim teams to state championships. He also served as vice president of TISCA (1967), president of TAGS (1968), and AAU (1976), and has received numerous honors for his contributions to Texas swimming.
Top of the Chart in 1955
Patterson, who is the UT team captain in 1955, is the first Longhorn to break 50 seconds in the 100-yard freestyle. Patterson is also instrumental in the design and construction of the UT Swim Center.
1956- Coach Hank Chapman 2nd in SWC
First row- Million, Lawler, Second row- Barden, Johnson, Bell, Patterson, Huber, Wilson
Third row- Neal, Perkins, Medinilla, Holder, Holsombach, Nolan and Harris
Fourth row- Chapman, Smith, LeBourgeois, Griffith
Richard Lawler- All American
1957 Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
Front Row Chumney, Pardue, – second row Barton, Theodore Smith, Word, Dodson Smith, Holder, Robert Huber- third row Gilbert, Eugene Thompson, Denson , Meitzen, LaBourgeois, Franklin Thompson, John Huber- 4th row Griffin, Neal, Johnson, Coach Chapman
Eddie Johnson- All American (no pictures)
1958-Coach Hank Chapman 2nd in the SWC
Front- Beaty, Price, Lee, Henderson, Werlin,Beavers – Secod row Chapman, Desmond, Campbell , Hatcher, Germain, Smith , Worthington, manager Gene Thompson
1959-Coach Hank Chapman Second in conference
Charles Lucas sets a new pool record in the 200 backstroke. Heller sets two new pool records. Lucas, Duwe, and Catlett set new SWC marks. This year there are more Longhorn All Americans than any previous year -Lucas, Heller, Duwe and Catlett.
1960 Coach Hank Chapman 2nd in the SWC
Jeff Heller is the holder of 4 Longhorn team UT records. Bob Taylor wins two events at the SWC meet. Texas qualifies 7 individuals for the NCAA meet but none placed.
Jerry Katz is an All American
1960- front- Catlett, Beavers, – second Scott, Desmond, Renick, Willerson- third- Goldbert, Smith, Heller, Atkinson, Duwe, Sparks, Musgrove, Champman – top row- Thompson, Spitzmiller, Reaves, Lucas, Taylor
1961-Coach Hank Chapman 2nd in the SWC by one yard
Team took 4 individual first at the SWC meet. Heller, Worthington, Lucas and Duwe (in a new SWC times) led the way. At the AAU meet the Longhorns failed to pick up any first place finishes, but Duwe, Worthington , and the Longhorn 4oo medley relay managed to set 3 pool records.
1960-1961 front- Beavers, beaty- second- Lee, Duwe, Osgood, Katz, Hatcher- 3rd- Heller, Lucas, Willerson, Reaves, Chapman- 4th_- Worthington, Desmond, George Smith, McClamroch
Jim Willerson HOH
1962-Coach Hank Chapman 2nd in the SWC.Pending more information
Gordon Beavers is the only Longhorn winner at the SWC meet winning the 1 and 3 meter dives.
Bud Beavers is an All American (no picture)
1963- Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
Jay Smith sets the school record in the 200 and 500 free. Beaver wins both diving events at the AAU swim meet while Spears wins the 200 butterfly. At Nationals Beaver places 4th in the 1 meter and 6th in the 3 meter diving events as Spears finishes 5th in the 200 butterfly.
George Spear, Carroll Henderson are All Americans
1964-Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
George Spear is an All American
Top of the Charts
1965- Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
Jim Spillane- All American (no picture)
1966- Coach Hank Chapman Horns finish 11th at Nationals.
Steve Boss, Gary Langendoen, Jim Spillane, Greg Thompson, Chuck Worrell are All Americans
1967-Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
Swim team is 2nd at the SWC meet to a great SMU team. The Horns set 9 school records and Gary Langendoen set a conference record in the 100 yard butterfly. The team place 20th out of 66 at the national meet.
All Americans were Gary Langendoen in the 100 & 200 fly and Steve Boss, Dana Curtis, Greg Thompson and Gary Langendoen in the 800 free relay. Of note is that all of the above swims were 8th place at the NCAAs in qualifying.
Top of the Charts
1968-1969 Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
Finishes 2nd to SMU in the SWC championship
Dana Curtis – All American (looking for picture)
1969-1970 Coach Hank Chapman 4-2 in dual meets pending more information
For the 12th year in a row the Longhorns are 2nd to SMU. Captain Dana Curtis sets a new standard in the 500 for the SWC. Gerry Shoemaker was a double winner at the SWC meet and 4 Longhorns participate in the NCAA meet- Curtis, Ligon, DuRapau, and Ravel.
1970-1971 Coach Hank Chapman Pending more information
The team finishes 2nd to SMU and does not do well at the NCAA meet. Bruce Robinson broke the SWC record in the 400 individual medley and two school marks in the 200 I.M. and 200 backstroke. Salzhandler broke the SWC 200 breast. Steve McFarland, Robinson, and Salzhandler made the NCAA cut. In a dual meet with SMU, the Longhorns were embarrassed. (looking for individual pictures of swim leaders)
Frank Salzhandler-All American
AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. 24, 1970 (UPI)—Frank Salzhandler, University of Texas swimming star, will appeal to the school administration the coach’s edict that his shoulder‐length long hair must be cut by Monday or he would be ruled off of the team.
Salznandler was barred from the first swim practice last Monday because he refused to abide by the Coach’s dress code. The swimmer appealed to the athletic council, and he lost 8-1.
He said he might cut his hair by Monday but said, “At this time, I feel in my conscience that I couldn’t swim for a university athletic department that wasn’t in existence for the student-athlete.” Salzhandler has received strong support from the student newspaper.